Tapkara is a village in Khunti dist. of Jharkhand state in India. This is a village which is a unique creation of god as it is surrounded by all types of natural beauties, like forest, water falls, extraordinary natural scenes etc.
This is a village which is just 20min of drive from Torpa.......................
Tapkara is surrounded by different water falls and mountain from all side, we can just say that tapkara is a place which is created by taking lots of time by the soul creater.............
Perva Ghagh a great water fall which is in the eastern side of tapkara, and it is just 15 min drive from the place. It is again a beauty........... water falling from 65ft just look like heaven.......... It is to be noted that a very big hydro power project was supposed to be built here named as Koel Karo Hydro power project, which was withheld due to some reason.............
In south there comes two picnic spot Karo & Sehaldag which also a place to watch and admire for ......
On the western side a mountain(Birta) stand and salute the great place.......................
On northen side come a river with seven waves named Saat Dhara which is just 30min of drive away from Tapkara and a great place to watch........................................
These were just places which were meant only for fun and enjoyment,but Tapkara is a place which which is meant to provide food to all the people who are involved in some kind of business activities or related to that because Tapkara is place which has its own business importance.........................
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