Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital is an Ayurvedic eye clinic and hospital in Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram), Kerala, India.HistoryThe hospital was founded in 2003 at Kesavadasapuram by Dr P.K.Santhakumari. The current location is in Kudappanakunnu as per February 2011, a second hospital was opened at Moongode (Near Peyad).Departments Department of Pediatric Eye Care in Ayurveda Department of Geriatric Eye Care in Ayurveda Department of Preventive Eye Care Department of Degenerative Eye DiseasesSpecialty clinics Macular Degeneration Diabetic Retinopathy Glaucoma Retinitis Pigmentosa Degenerative MyopiaEducation and trainingThe Hospital Conducts two major teaching programs for Ayurvedic Doctors : Resident Training Programme - Intended for Ayurvedic Doctors who have completed a 5.5 year B.A.M.S degree course from a C.C.I.M approved college. Fellowship Programme - Fellowship programme is intended for Post Graduate Ayurvedic Doctors who have completed both 5.5 year B.A.M.S degree course from a C.C.I.M approved college and a 3-year Post Graduation (M.D or M.S) with specialization in Shalakya Thantra.
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