
These industrial plots are located in Bawal, Haryana. In Bawal there are various types of plot sizes. Bawal has connected with the Farukknagar and Hassnapur apace.

Furthermore, it is the smart property in the urban area. The infrastructure like road connections and power supply or highways. Industrial plots in Bawal have good connectivity with road and rail.

Furthermore, Buying a plot in Bawal has serval benefits. The rates of industrial plots in Bawal are depended on the requirements of business equipment. There have so many investor who invest in Industrial plots in Bawal.

Tags : #BawalIndustrialPlots

Location :
Near IMT Bawal

Opening Hours

  • Monday 24hours
  • Tuesday 24hours
  • Wednesday 24hours
  • Thursday 24hours
  • Friday 24hours
  • Saturday 24hours
  • Sunday 24hours