Country Chicken is positioned in the market place as a premium quality product, priced to be affordable for everyone, and delivers a mix of products to satisfy the whole family’s taste and dietary needs. A one stop shop – Country Chicken offers a variety of chicken products, burgers and subs, wraps and sandwiches as well as fish products and broad pizza menu.
Country Chicken outlets are geared to provide quick and convenient service in a clean and vibrant environment..
It's all about the food...
"Country" brand products and menus are becoming famous for being tastier and healthier and represent real value against all competitive fast food products in the marketplace. Country Fried Chicken & Pizzas, Country Chicken fried and roasted dishes; all feature unique flavours that once discovered keep people coming back for more.
Country Chicken products are not greasy or saturated in fatty oils - they are "Crisp & Light with a Taste Just Right" - But don't just take our word for it, you must try it yourself.
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