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Centre for IT & Engg., MS University, Tirunelveli

Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu


Centre for IT & Engg., MS University, Tirunelveli is a company, located at Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

The department offers a 4-year B.Tech. in Information and Communication Technology Course + a 2-year M.Tech. in Information and Communication Technology Course as integrated courses since 2007. An M.Tech. course in Computer and Information Technology (2-year) is being offered since 2002. M.Phil. Information Technology and Ph.D. porgrams in Computer Science and Engineering , Computer and Information Technology, Communication Systems, Signal and Image Processing are being offered since 2005. Several Externally Sponsored funded projects by UGC, DRDO, DIT, CDAC, DANIDA, NRB etc. are being carried out by the faculty members of the department.Ongoing Projects at the Deprtment1. "Development of Software technology to reconstruct High Dynamic Range Image with high SNR from several low quality images", funded by Naval Research Board, DRDO, New Delhi, INR. 39,00,000/-, Dec.2010-Oct.2013.2. "Development of Generic Image Processing Technology for ALPR – Automatic License Plate Reading", a consultancy project granted by Centre for the Development of Advanced Computing – CDAC, Thiruvananthapuram, INR.35 lakhs, Nov.2009-Oct.2011. This forms part of the 23 crore DIT funded Nationally Coordinated Project "Intelligent Transport System" .3. "Data Mining to Predict Financial Markets using Quantitative Analysis", funded by MoneyTick, Inc. California, USA, INR.15,90,000/-, Nov.2007-Nov.2010.12 Projects have been Completed by the faculty of the Department

Tags : #HigherEducation, #SignalImageProcessing, #MedicalImageProcessing, #PatternObjectRecognition, #BiometricsBiometricSecurity

Location :
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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