Building Science is a field of study that focuses on the technical performance of buildings, building materials, and building systems. This broad discipline includes elements of construction technology, material science, architecture, meteorology, sustainable building, and heat and mass transport physics. At IIIT Hyderabad, the Center for IT in Building Science (CBS) focuses on effectively using Information Technology (IT)for sustainable buildings. CBS performs the following activities to promote sustainable buildings in India:
* Sustainable Buildings Research
* Academic Programs
* Training and capacity building
CBS collaborates with various institutes such as IIT Bombay, IIM Ahmedabad, MNIT Jaipur, CEPT Ahmedabad and CSR Auroville in national level and International institutes such as Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Carnegie Millan University (CMU), University of California Berkeley, and Lighting Research Center ofRensselaer Polytechnic Institute. CBS will be hosting the 14th version of the International Building Simulation Conference of IBPSA, which will be hosted for the first time in India. The conference is expected to have a participation of over 600 Researchers and Scientist in the area of Building Performance around the world. Currently CBS has two major groups working on Building Simulation and Building Automation. State of the art labs are been planned for Fault Detection and Diagnostics, Daylight control test Bed.
Some of the major research projects of CBS are Center for Building Energy Research and Development funded by DST and US DOE, Cool Roof Calculator funded by Climate Works Foundation, Earth Cooling System Monitoring in Pantanagar and Nanital funded by US DOE, Cool Roof Monitoring in Satyam Learning Center Hyderabad funded by US DOE, Smart Classrooms by NOKIA, and Monitoring of Distributed Transformers funded by Central Power Research Institute.
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