
Dr. June Leavitt Creative Writing in Jerusalem

German Colony Yehoash St.., Jerusalem


If you are writing memoir, personal essays, short stories or a novel, then my workshop
may be for you. In a small group that meets weekly for 16 sessions in the center of Jerusalem, you will learn what makes a story compelling, a voice strong and
characters - real or fictional- fascinating.

I read about your writing workshop. Can you tell us something about yourself?

I’m a freelance writer, teacher, and researcher who was born and raised in New York and immigrated to Israel in 1979. I got my Master's degree and Doctorate in literature from Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel where I am an adjunct lecturer.

The first book I published was with Feldheim, a novel for young adults. Recently Feldheim reissued it in their series of classics for youth! My next books were diaries in which I tried to come to grips with a somewhat agonizing immigration. Excerpts were featured in US News and World Report which led to a book contract with a large publishing house. Soon after that I began my love affair with literary fiction, the fruit of which was a novel translated and published in Hebrew in 1999. However, I always kept writing my diary. My second diary was published in 2003 to a lot of critical acclaim which oddly enough I found quite difficult. So after that, I returned to academia to get my Masters and Doctorate in Literature and published two scholarly books. Now I have returned to literary fiction and have been crafting my novel The Rebirth of Georgie Flagg about a woman who recreates herself. For more about my work, see:

How does teaching creative writing fit in with your life?

I have always loved teaching, reaching out, connecting, and sharing whatever knowledge I have. I also learn a tremendous amount from my students. So four years ago, when I began my new novel, I knew I needed to complement the intensive introspective work by reaching out and connecting with aspiring writers! The result is the small writing workshop which I run in Jerusalem.

How do you run this writing workshop?

I keep the group small, intimate with no more than six participants. Every week, up to three people submit stories or chapters they are working on usually done in accordance with assignments I give. All members read and give some feedback about these pieces while I give a long and detailed critique which touches upon various aspects in the craft of writing. Sometimes, I bring in excerpts from well known authors to show elements of the craft. Other times members read sections of their pieces aloud always, we have lively discussions. Together, we create a safe space for every one of us to share very deep parts of themselves that we express through our writing.

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Tags : #ArtsEntertainment, #Arts&Entertainment

Location :
German Colony Yehoash St.., Jerusalem
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