
KR Body Repairs offer paintwork repairs to scratches, scuffs and dents and much more

Tags : #AutomationService

Location :
Counerough, Headford,, Killarney 1234
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Exterior detailing involves cleaning and restoring or exceeding the original condition of the surface of the car's finish such as chrome, windows, wheels, and tires, as well as other visible components on the exterior of a vehicle. A wide array of products and techniques are used to do this based on the surface type, surface condition, or the detailer's preference. Products include, but are not limited to: detergents and acid free degreasers (to break down dirt and soil), detail clay (to remove embedded contaminates), waxes and polishes (to resurface and then improve reflectivity), as well as a variety of applicators, brushes, and drying towels.