El Castillo de Portumna es un castillo situado en Irlanda, a las orillas del lago Derg (que forma parte del río Shannon y es el río más largo del país) y junto al parque forestal de Portumna,.. [read more]
Denture Repairs direct to the customer, and acrylic denture lab services to dentists, custom mouth-guard service to sports groups locally. . [read more]
County Galway is a county in Ireland. In the West of Ireland, it is part of the province of Connacht (English spelling: Connaught) and is named after the city of Galway. [read more]
The National University of Ireland Galway is located in Ireland's most westerly city of Galway. A tertiary-level teaching and research institution, it is ranked among the top 1% of universities.. [read more]
Loughrea‘s Premier Hair & Beauty Salon for women and men. [read more]
Merlinpark Castle is a tower house and National Monument located in County Galway, Ireland. LocationMerlinpark Castle is located 4 km east-northeast of Galway city centre. [read more]
Thoor Ballylee Castle is a fortified, 15th century Hiberno-Norman tower house built by the septs de Burgo, or Burke, near the town of Gort in County Galway, Ireland. [read more]
Senator Pauline O'Reilly, Green Party candidate in the General Election for Galway West. [read more]
Welcome to Galway. Galway Walking Tour Guide will walk you through Galway City and it,s medieval history and legends from 1320 AD to modern times. . [read more]
Аттимон холт — железнодорожная станция, открытая 1 декабря 1890 года и обеспечивающая транспортной связью таунленд Аттимон в графстве Голуэй, Республика Ирландия. [read more]
Кафедральный Собор Вознесения Пресвятой Девы Марии, обычно называемый Собор Туама — католический собор.. [read more]
Seo leathanach atá curtha le chéile ag Coiste Tuismitheoirí Scoil Naomh Ciarán i gCill Chiaráin, Conamara chun pobal na scoile a choinneáil ar an eolas faoi na rudaí uilig a bheas ar.. [read more]
Official page of Claregalway Discos. Here you can get all the latest news and updates on upcoming events. [read more]
We are the famous Turkish restaurent/Takeaway chain in Galway city. We are famous for our tasty homemade kebabs. We are located at three different location. [read more]
All hurley sizes available. Open on Saturdays from 11 to 17. 00. Also can be available on weekdays, please phone in advance, Ronan on 087 8586605. [read more]
Presentation College Headford is a secondary school for boys and girls in Headford, County Galway in Ireland. It was founded in 1949. The school serves the town of Headford and its hinterland. [read more]
The Right Yoke is a store, located at Business Park, Galway. [read more]
Die Sankt-Brendan-Kathedrale von Annaghdown war eine Brendan dem Reisenden gewidmete Bischofskirche des Bistums Eanach Dhúin am Lough Corrib im heutigen County Galway in Irland, das im 12. [read more]
Dún Eochla ist ein Steinfort auf einem Hügel in der Mitte der Aran-Insel Inishmore im County Galway in Irland. Das Errichtungsdatum der verhältnismäßig kompletten runden Befestigung.. [read more]
Le phare d'Inishmore est un ancien phare situé au centre de l'île d'Inishmore, la plus grande des îles d'Aran au large de la baie de Galway en Irlande. [read more]
Fire Protection, Galway, www. kandlfireprotection. ie Heat, Noise reduction solutions for Commercial Public, Private, Ireland Nationwide Contact: 0870619223. [read more]
We specialize in all trailer repairs. Wiring Lighting Brakes Panel repairs Tyres Hitches Hubs Bearings. [read more]
Die vier Steinkreise von Glebe liegen östlich der R345 Ballinrobe Road, in Glebe, drei Kilometer nordöstlich von Cong im County Mayo in Irland. Sie bilden eng benachbart die größte, aber.. [read more]
We Supply an ever expanding products range to retail and trade customers our products include Matt vinyl full colour range Gloss vinyl full colour range Carbon fiber full colour range Brushed.. [read more]
Timber Garden Buildings Manufacturer. Quality Garden Buildings: Delivered and Erected. Map of free delivery areas on our website www. obrientimberproducts. [read more]
The SFI Centre for Research Training in Genomics Data Science is a PhD training programme linking together over 70 genomics data science group leaders based at five Irish institutions. [read more]
Tom Doyle Motors Ltd is a Main Opel Dealer located in Loughrea We stock and sell the full range of new Opels and a wide range of quality used cars. . [read more]
Open 7 days a week, serving simple, delicious bar food and baked goods from 12 til 5. . [read more]
IRELAND FOR YOU ist seit 2010 ein in Irland ansässiges Unternehmen und gehört zu den führenden Golfreiseanbietern für Golfen in Irland. . [read more]
Blakes Hill är en kulle i republiken Irland. Den ligger i grevskapet County Galway och provinsen Connacht, i den centrala delen av landet, km väster om huvudstaden Dublin. [read more]
Revive Active supplements offer enhanced health benefits to keep you happier in body & mind. https://ie. reviveactive. com/. [read more]
Ardderry Lough is a freshwater lake in the west of Ireland. It is located in the Connemara area of County Galway. GeographyArdderry Lough measures about 4km long and 0. [read more]
Lively and current two piece acoustic band filling the dancefloors on a weekly basis! Based between Galway and Mayo but we do travel!. [read more]
Craughwell toddler and baby group is a voluntary organisation that is run by local parents. We get together every Tuesday morning during term time from 10 til 12 in St Michaels Hall. [read more]
New car wash, open at the new Corrib Oil Ballinasloe, excellent prices,excellent service and a gleaming finish. . [read more]
Swing and jazz dance classes and social dancing in Galway. Lindy hop, solo jazz, charleston, tap & collegiate shag. www. swinginoutgalway. com. [read more]