
The Eclectic Healing Clinic offers a holistic and varied approach to enable and empower our clients with their emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

The Eclectic Healing Clinic utilises various energy healing, psychotherapeutic and psychological modalities, working with the body, mind and spirit to resolve emotional and physical issues. Chronic pains, aches, fatigue, bereavement, depression, panic attacks, general and social anxiety, fears/phobias, as well as cravings/addictions can become disabling and overwhelming for many people.

We aim to treat, then teach our clients non-invasive, therapeutic, self-healing techniques, to encourage mental, physical, spiritual and emotional well being. We hope this will remove the perception that energy healing is the work of only a select, privileged and 'mystical' group of people. Adopting this philosophy is empowering and often life changing for many clients. Our therapeutic approach is to consult, treat, support and share skills in order to facilitate our clients becoming the best version of themselves.

Tags : #AlternativeHolisticHealthService, #Alternative&HolisticHealthService

Location :
Sunhill, Killorglin Co. Kerry