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Cork School of Fashion Design is an art gallery, located at Wilton Park House, Cork. They can be contacted via phone at 0857265477 for more detailed information.

Cork College Of Fashion Holds Fashion Classes for kids,Teenagers and college portfolio students on Saturdays.
kids 10-2
Teenagers 3-5
Portfolio 6-8

Tags : #ArtSchool, #FashionDesigner, #HotelLodging, #Hotel&Lodging

Location :
Wilton Park House, Cork
Contacts :

Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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The Cork College of Fashion Design is founded by Limerick School of Art and Design honors Graduate, Julie O Connell, Fashion Designer and owner of Brand Mayo. www.facebook.com/mayoclothing.
After Completing internship in London,Tokyo and Barcelona where she worked in each for six months.Partaking with her own brand Mayo in 080 Barcelona Fashion Week for the last two years. Julie has returned home to Cork to Teach Kids how to sew both hand and Machine,pattern cutting, knitting,fashion illustration, history of Designers,creating mood and trend boards,styling and Fashion Photography . Cork College of Fashion Design also offers Classes to older students for Fashion Portfolio Classes in order to enter third level Education.

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