Today the worst thing happend something that you would never expect especially at a place like this, where people should feel safe to walk around nude. And be them self without being judged or looked at.
It was the last day we had booked here and I went away with a buddy to do some activities, my 23 year old girlfriend stayed during the day to leave in the evening. When we had some breakfast in the morning me and my buddy went on our way. My girlfriend stayed behind and she wanted a massage and do some more sunbathing the typical stuff. When she walked in the massage place what is located and run by the resort management. And than it begon, the massage guy asked if she wanted a normal massage or a sexy massage ( when it says on many signs and the hotel book that they don't do any sexy massage or happy ending or what so sort. ) She told the guy obviously no and made herself very clear. In my understanding the massage went to far than already but not everything in foreign countries is as you want it.
Than during the massages the guy was touching her in places where he shouldn't be. and he continued with it until my girlfriend told him again that she did not want anything and had a boyfriend and hoped that everything was done than. But no the guy kept doing it until my girlfriend stopped the massage and run to her room. Being totally violated in her rights she started crying and the massage guy had the nerve to come up to our room to make here sign for the bill from the massage. seeing her crying he understood what was wrong and felt very guilty offering her a 100 times sorry. And asked if she did not want to tell anybody about it.
She cried for a while and than left the place as quickly as possible.
When me and my girlfriend met up in our new hotel she told me the story, and I called the manager directly to see what they are going to do about it. especially because it is a nude resort in my opinion they so missed their target with what a nude resort is about. And the manager on the phone told me that he did not know what to do about it and did not want to do anything about it as well. While my girlfriend does not want to come out of the room anymore. So I called the police and they picked it up really well, so we are going to the place and try that this does not happen to anybody anymore! Because I do not want any other people feel the way my girlfriend felt.