Excellent Service as Toyota standard service for excellence
Buying new car is all about the after sales services, and this place has it better.
Good service for toyota
Quick service. Cozy waiting room. Tune up setting suits my like
Good service stations for Toyota only
Queue after lebaran is sooo long
Good customer service
It has good lounge. Make sure call for an appointment for service because this place always crowded
Sevis bagus dan puas. Peĺayanan ramah. Mekanik cepat pengerjaannya. Ruang tunggu nyaman dan tersedia kopi dan snak gratis. Nyaman untuk servis mobil toyota
Servicenya mantap,,mhn infonya nih kalo HR mggu buka ga ya,,mks
As other car company, Toyota has dealer and workshop at cibubur area, service can be done here