I love the event that held here every Saturday and Sunday afternoon..
It's a park where not many people come here.
Unique and I like the park, and many event held in this place
Full of historical sensation, yet lack of verbal naration.
Nice "Jungle" di center of City
The historical park has 2 parts.
The first part is a garden located at Jl Teuku Umar. This section is currently undergoing renovation.
Entry is free. This place is used by the royalties then to relax. The river that runs through this garden is blocked by a wall.
To see it you have to get out of the back door, enter Jl Teuku Umar and turn right.
The next section is across the road towrds north. There is a lake and a garden here.
However this section is closed to public.
Lots of leaves in the garden and most parts cannot be seen due to dense trees.
A good place to explore. Taman sari in Aceh is like Taman Sari in Yogyakarta. They were used by king and his wife for their happy time.
Great place for relaxing and recreation
good place for relaxing
Nice place to rest and talk walking
Taman Putroe Phang tetap menjadi taman rekreasi untuk warga kota, baik saat hari kerja ataupun akhir pekan
taman yg asri dengan pepohonan rindang di wilayah kota banda aceh, untuk menenangkan fikiran sendiri, atau untuk membawa keluarga terutama anak anak bermain di taman penuh rumput hijau
Taman Putroe Phang terletak di dekat kantor walikota Banda Aceh, sekitar lebih kurang 100 meter dari posisi kantor.
Tempat yang direkomendasikan sebagai tempat rekreasi yang asri, nyaman, teduh, bersih, dan aman. Sekaligus membangkitkan romantisme Sejarah Aceh masalalu.
Sejuk, tentram, cocok untuk santai dan berkumpul bersama teman2 dan hunting foto
Mantap untuk foto-foto.
Di sinilah permaisuri Sultan Iskandar Muda bermain-main sambil mandi manda. Di tengah tasik terdapat binaan berwarna putih yang di kenali sebagai Pinto Khop.
kalau dikelola lebih baik lagi
pasti akan lebih menarik
Sementara disini tersedia sebuah pintu kecil tempat permaisuri Sultan Iskandarmuda bermain yang tembus ke Gunongan. Kini ruang terbuka hijau ini juga menjadi sarana publik sebagai tempat rekreasi bagi masyarakat kota Banda Aceh dan sekitarnya.