Kami menjual Laminated Flooring (Lantai Kayu) merk Synchrowood buatan Malaysia, dengan kualitas terbaik. Lantai kayu kami terjamin serta telah teruji anti rayap, anti gores, anti noda, anti luntur, dan ramah lingkungan. Bahan dari kayu tropis ( Tropical Hardwood HDF ). Lantai kayu kami mudah dibersihkan, tidak licin, awet dan tahan lama. Selain itu untuk penstabil ruangan dimana waktu panas tidak terlalu panas dan dingin tidak terlalu dingin. Kami menyediakan berbagai varian warna yang unik dan motif kayu yang alami sehingga dapat memberi sentuhan alam, keindahan dan kenyaman serta cocok digunakan di rumah, hotel, apartement, villa , hotel, dan showroom.
What is distinctively unique about our product is that you can actually feel the exact texture of the natural wood grain. This actually creates an additional unique character to each & every product design. This is where we can truly synchronizing to your environment, placing Synchrowood.com in a class of our own.
A Brand New Laminate Flooring Factory supply all kinds of laminated floors using 100% Made in Europe Top Quality laminate papers for flooring application and Tropical Hardwood Termite Resistant Core Boards, superior water resistant plus 4-sides water proof vacuum edge sealed. Synchrowood extensive flooring ranges from low end-low cost to medium as well as high end ( exclusive product features) laminated flooring collection. Some of our unique features are hand scrap, high gloss and 3D Embossed In Register ( EIR) or Synchronized Wood Grain surface texture.
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