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Permai Babyshop is a store, located at Matraman Raya No. 250 - 252, Jakarta, Indonesia 13110. They can be contacted via phone at 087775146111, visit their website www.permaibaby.com for more detailed information.

Tags : #BabyGoodsKidsGoods, #BabyChildrenSClothingStore, #BabyGoods/kidsGoods, #Baby&Children'sClothingStore

Location :
Matraman Raya No. 250 - 252, Jakarta 13110
Added by Jopie, at 26 January 2018

Opening Hours

  • Monday 08:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 08:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday 08:00 - 17:00
  • Sunday 08:00 - 17:00


Menjual Perlengkapan Bayi Murah & Lengkap Ecer maupun Grosir di Jakarta.

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1 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    02 February 2018

    Yuk ikuti lomba foto bayi dengan tema "senyum sibuah hati”. caranya mudah pengumpulan foto sampai tanggal 14 Februari 2018 . Like Fanspage Facebook“permai babyshop” . Follow instagram @permaibabyshop & @permaibabydotcom . Upload foto sibuah hati di instagram . Mentioned @permaibabyshop & @permaibabydotcom . Tag 3 teman kamu dan gunakan #lombapermai2018 . Syarat Lomba . Laki laki dan Perempuan 0-5tahun . Pastikan akun tidak di Private agar kami bisa melihat dan menilai . Periode pengumpulan tanggal 1 Febuari 2018 - 14 Febuari 2018 . Pengumuman pemenang akan kami post di Instagram dan di FB permaibabyshop . Keputusan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat. #lombafoto #lombafotobayi #lombafotosibuahhati #senyumanakku #buahhati #permaibabyshop #ayisehat #lombapermai2018 #bayisehat #bayiindonesia #lombafoto #babyboy #babygrils #masakecil #sibuahhati #tersayang #kesayangan #anakmama #anakpapa #anakpintar

    Let's follow the baby photo race with the theme "smile sibuah heart". how easy
    Photo gathering until February 14, 2018
    Like Facebook Fanpage "gorgeous babyshop"
    Follow Instagram
    @permaibabyshop & @permaibabydotcom
    Upload photo sibuah heart on instagram
    @permaibabyshop & @permaibabydotcom
    Tag 3 of your friends and use
    Race conditions
    Male and female 0-5 years old
    Make sure the account is not in private for us
    Can see and judge
    February 1, 2018 February 2018
    Winner announcement will we post on Instagram and on fb permaibabyshop
    The Jury's decision cannot be disturbed.
    #lombafoto #lombafotobayi #lombafotosibuahhati #senyumanakku #buahhati #permaibabyshop #ayisehat #lombapermai2018 #bayisehat #bayiindonesia #lombafoto #babyboy #babygrils #masakecil #sibuahhati #tersayang #kesayangan #anakmama #anakpapa #anakpintarTranslated

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