
The official account of Peduli Anak Foundation (Yayasan peduli Anak). Peduli Anak helps underprivileged children and their families in Indonesia.

Tags : #NonGovernmentalOrganizationNgo, #NonprofitOrganization, #CharityOrganization, #NonGovernmentalOrganization(ngo)

Location :
Jalan Dharma Bakti, Langko, Lingsar, Duman, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat 83372

Opening Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday -
  • Sunday -


Peduli Anak Foundation (also known as Yayasan Peduli Anak and LKSA Peduli Anak) is a Dutch-Indonesian charity non-profit organization in Lombok, Indonesia dedicated to providing free shelter, education, family care, medical and legal support to thousands of neglected and abused children whom have been placed in our care by Indonesian child social services.

17 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    04 October 2018

    Distributing water filters to villages in North Lombok, in collaboration with Stichting Bali Bundar.

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  • Anynomous
    03 October 2018

    We finally got our glasses! Look how smart our kids look now 🤓🤓🤓

    After a slight delay due to the earthquakes, Yayasan PKAA Rachmat, personally deliver the glasses to our children and staff.

    Besides eye check and glasses distribution for Peduli Anak and several schools in the district, Yayasan PKAA Rachmat is also a long term sponsor of Peduli Anak and have helped us and villages in Lombok with aid goods after the earthquakes. We are very grateful for their help.

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  • Anynomous
    30 September 2018

    Thank you Leonie, Tahnee, Vivi and friends who fulfilled some items on our need list: medicine, sandals, blankets, clothes, and toys with their fundraising in the Netherlands. Half of these items we have donated to other children in villages affected by the earthquakes.

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  • Anynomous
    26 September 2018

    Thank you Viva Health for the medicine donation and support for Peduli Anak. This donation helps us to supply our clinic and medicine packages we give to the victims of Lombok earthquake.

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  • Anynomous
    24 September 2018

    "If you can dream it, you can do it"

    Our child, Afan, on the site of what used to be our girls' home.

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  • Anynomous
    23 September 2018

    We went to visit a fundraising event “Creative Mess” in Jakarta organized by Erudio School of Art - High School Level with International Curriculum (ESOA), Gerakan Berbagi and Crumble crew. Taking place at Crumble Crew, a popular hangout spot in the heart of Jakarta, the event offered workshops and exhibition, carried out by students and staff of ESOA and local artists.

    The Painted Totebag exhibition immediately drew our attention with unique creations and mixed media used o...n canvas tote bags, some inspired by Lombok and the earthquake. Besides the exhibition, there are also postcard painting and healing through art workshop with Sani Tumbelaka.

    ESOA Shop also opened their booth selling crafts and souvenirs made by their students and staff. A portion of the sales will also go to Peduli Anak. We met also with Cofounder of Gerakan Berbagi, Priyono, who helped us by collecting shoes for our children. They have collected 116 pairs of shoes and now looking for donors to help them cover the shipping cost to Lombok.

    Thank you very much ESOA, Gerakan Berbagi, Crumble Crew, and all students, staff, parents of ESOA, local artists and everybody who supported this event.

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  • Anynomous
    21 September 2018

    While the ceiling & cracks in our school are fixed, we’re still fixing the electrical system in the building. In late morning, it gets hot inside classrooms so for everyone’s comfort, we have to move outside. Very proud of our students who don’t lose their motivation to study.

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  • Anynomous
    20 September 2018

    Ramli is one of our children who are in Grade 11, studying Hospitality Management. He’s now doing his internship at Aruna Hotel, Senggigi, Lombok. Ramli works 6 days a week for 3 months. He is working for the Room Service department. He starts working from 8 am to 4 pm.

    Ramli likes his work and he seems proud of it. He is responsible for the first floor. The senior is teaching him what to do and how to do things there. They are always working together. The supervisor is looking after all the room service staff.

    At Peduli Anak, Ramli likes to help in the kitchen with preparing food and cooking. He wishes to work in a hotel once he graduates from school.

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  • Anynomous
    19 September 2018

    Off the Beaten Path Part 2: Delivering Donations to Remote Villages and Minorities in North Lombok

    Sunday, 16th September, we packed up our cars again to distribute donations to villages in North Lombok. This time our goodwill ambassador from the United States, Marco, and volunteer nurse, Nomi, joined the trip together with our Director, Cofounders, Counselor and a child.

    We brought 250 donation packages consist of rice, sugar, cooking oil, milk, spices, and noodle. We also... prepared some basic medicine packages for adults and children, personal hygiene kits, dried food, milk, water, t-shirts and vitamins.

    It took us more than 2 hours to arrive at the first village on our list, Panser Daya village. According to the chief village, Mr. Sahdan Ilyas, there are 130 families in this small village. He also informed us that there were still several families sleeping under the sky because there wasn’t enough tents or tarps for everybody. Luckily, we brought 5 tarps so we could solve this problem immediately.

    The second village was more challenging to get into. We were driving through dry land and suddenly arrived in a jungle until we finally reached Pawang Tenun village. There are 121 families and over 300 inhabitants.

    We decided to stop in one of the houses there and 5 minutes later, people came from all directions and gathered to meet us. According to their Chief Village, Mr. Misudin, water is scarce in Pawang Tenun. People have to travel one day towards the mountain to get water. Water truck comes twice a week but it’s not enough to supply to the whole village. We dropped off plenty of drinking water and food packages here too.

    At this village, Nomi the nurse also treated a few children who had wound and infection. We also found some cases of stomachache and diarrhea, possibly because lack of water and bad hygiene. The closest local health clinic (Puskesmas) is 15 km away.

    On the other side, Marco did a great job entertaining the kids with simple games and fun English lesson on the spot. He was also busy throwing kids up in the air ☺

    As the day drew in, we got to get on to the next villages in our list. To make up time, we did “door-to-door” distribution to Pawang Timpas Barat village and Pawang Timpas Timur village. In these villages, we encountered minorities Hindu families. There were also not many donations coming in for them. So they were very happy and thankful to receive us.

    We especially thank TDA Community, Kapital Boost, Horison Group, PPME (Persatuan Pemuda Muslim Europa) - Den Haag, Stichting Indahnya Sedekah, North Charity Calls(NCC), @ditiskatwijk, YOUVIT and Mimi & Monika from Germany for their goods and financial contribution in this donation delivery.

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  • Anynomous
    17 September 2018

    Peduli Anak Foundation is urgently looking for a qualified carpenter, electrician and plumber to help 80 former street children to build a sanitary facility. We have all the materials and tools, we just need the skills. Please come and help us for a few days.

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  • Anynomous
    14 September 2018

    Terima kasih atas bantuannya berupa paket alat tulis dari OSIS dan PMR SMK 4 Mataram. Semoga dalam keterbatasan ini anak-anak tambah semangat belajarnya.

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  • Anynomous
    13 September 2018

    Kita Untuk Lombok

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  • Anynomous
    13 September 2018

    Terima kasih Horison Group Hotel atas bantuannya. Donasi berupa makanan, minuman, terpal, obat2an, dll sangat bermanfaat bagi kami dan korban gempa lainnya. Kami juga akan mendistribusikan bantuan ini ke tempat2 pengungsian di desa-desa.

    Thank you so much Horison Hotel Group for the donation. Food, drink, tarps, medicines,etc. are extremely needed by us and other earthquake victims. We will share and distribute this donation to other evacuation camps.

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  • Anynomous
    12 September 2018

    More harvest from our organically grown garden: tomatoes and long beans. They taste amazing! We will use this harvest for our kitchen needs and any extras will be donated to people at evacuation camps.

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  • Anynomous
    10 September 2018

    Hear Me is a song dedicated to the earthquake victims in Lombok. It is like their soft voice to stay strong and optimistic in this troubled time.

    We're touched and honoured that these amazing musicians and youtubers collaborate to create the song and urge you to help the children in Peduli Anak Foundation, Lombok.

    Thank you so much to:


    ChandraLiow AnantaVinnie Kezia Amelia Nadin Amizah Prince Husein Joe Taslim Sheryl Sheinafia Andovi Dalopez Jovial da Lopez (Skinnyindonesian24) Rayi Putra Audrey Tapiheru Anji Manji

    Show your support on www.kitabisa.com/darikamiuntuklombok and share the video.

    Thank you


    Hear Me adalah lagu yang didedikasikan untuk korban gempa Lombok. Lagu ini ibarat suara lirih mereka untuk tetap kuat dan optimis.

    Kami sangat terharu dan bangga dengan kolaborasi yang hebat antara musisi dan Youtubers Indonesia dalam menciptakan lagu ini dan sekaligus mereka mengajak kita semua untuk membantu anak-anak di Yayasan Peduli Anak, Lombok.

    Terima kasih sebesar-besarnya untuk: Chandra Liow Ananta Vinnie Kezia Amelia Nadin Amizah Prince Husein Joe Taslim Sheryl Sheinafia Andovi Da Lopez Jovial Da Lopez Rayi Putra Audrey Tapiheru Anji

    Ayo tunjukkan dukungan anda di www.kitabisa.com/darikamiuntuklombok dan share video musik ini ke teman-teman anda.

    Terima kasih

    #korbangempa #gempalombok #lombok #solidaritas #prayforlombok #indonesia #kitabisa #orangbaik #pedulianak

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  • Anynomous
    10 September 2018

    Very proud of our earthquake-proof ceiling in Grade 1 class (just tested with a real mild earthquake today). This is how it moves in seismic activity. Good job Pak Yunda & team and Chris from Perth Shower Repairs 😊💪👍

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  • Anynomous
    07 September 2018

    Our kids are happy that their "big momma" Indri has returned from her leave for caring her sick baby. We're still living in tents while the school and kitchen buildings are being fixed, but we always have a happy smile. 😊🙏💕

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