
It's All About Your Comfort...!!!!

Tags : #TransportationService, #TravelService

Location :
Komp. Cemara Asri, Jl. Makmur no 88NN, Medan 20371


PT Go Adventure operated since June 2010.
Go Adventure Product is :
1. Domestic & International Flight Ticket
2. Domestic & International Hotel Voucher
3. Domestic & International Tour
4. Adventures Tour
5. Visa,Passport, Bus & Car Rental, Villa Rental

Go Adventure is focus on Domestic/ Inbound Tour & International/ Outbound Tour. We are specialized in Adventures Tour, especially Adventures Tour in North Sumatera, such as :
1. Island Tour : Pandang Island, Berhala Island, Salah Nama Island,etc
2. Rafting : Sei Bingei, Sei Wampu, Sei Bah Bolon, etc
3. Hiking : Mount Sibayak, Mount Sinabung, etc
4. Caving : Pintu Rizal. Pintu Air, Pintu Angin, etc
5. Camping : Camping at Lau Kawar, etc
and many more...

We try to give you the best facilities with affordable price,according to our motto:
" It's All About Your Comfort"

North Sumatra itself has many fantastic places which is still natural and not yet known even by its local people. We have many wonderful destination that can refresh your mind, built your teamwork, your confidence, etc...
Our North Sumatra have many potential natural resources that is similar even better than others, but we never notice it..

So Let's Introduce North Sumatra together, so one day we can proud to say:

If not started from us, who else will start..???

Our Contact Reservation:
1. Anton Lois Fikal : 085262552888
2. Christina Losardi : 081973190909
3. Fransiska Lois : 0819871751
4. Frans Taslim : 085658084321
5. Verry Gultome : 0813622664482
6. Teteh Ieies : 082161488038

Presented by :
PT Go Adventure Tour & Travel
Komp. Cemara Asri
Jl. Makmur no 88NN
Medan- North Sumatra
Office No : 061-6645899
Email : 061-6644692

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