Vetopet Animal Clinic adalah klinik hewan yang tersebar di Kab. Bogor, Kota Bogor dan Depok. Dengan mengusung konsep "One Stop Service Solution", Vetopet Animal Clinic bertekad menjadi mitra.. [read more]
SIMPLY SMILE MANOR HOUSE LIMITED is a hospital, located at Jalan Benteng Betawi. [read more]
SIMPLY SMILE NETHERTON LIMITED is a hospital, located at Jalan Benteng Betawi. [read more]
Hallokami adalah distributor alat kesehatan yang berdiri sejak awal 2012. Saat itu masih dalam berbentuk CV dan pada tahun 2019 awal kami berkomitmen untuk mengupgrade menjadi Perseroan.. [read more]
DoCare Health Products Call us at (+6221)461 3050!DoCare manufactures and distributes innovative healthcare products for both commercial and personal uses. [read more]
LOWANGU LIMITED is a hospital, located at Jalan Benteng Betawi. [read more]
Klinik Spesialis Mata pertama di Tondano, dengan tenaga dokter ahli spesialis mata yang profesional dan sudah berpengalaman serta didukung dengan alat-alat kesehatan mata yang terkini. [read more]
AI-powered e-medical records (EMR) for Indonesia's healthcare providers, especially in low-resource settings. Backed by clinicians and technology experts with >15 years of experience,.. [read more]
Fasilitas kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan medis, berupa medis dasar dan atau medis spesialistik. . [read more]
PT. Bunda Ika Medica adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang kesehatanPT. Bunda Ika Medica mempunyai dua klinik yang beroperasi 24 jam dan satu Apotek terpadu. [read more]
layanan kesehatan online. [read more]
We provide:- Financial and medical supplies donation distribution- Webinars on pediatric tracheostomy patient care education- Online support group sessions for bereaved parents-.. [read more]
Dago Vision Care memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk kebutuhan kesehatan mata Anda di dukung para tim dokter spesialis yang professional dan terampil serta teknologi termutakhir dengan.. [read more]
Memberi pelayanan yang berkualitas yang berlandaskan etika dan kaidah profesi dengan pendekatan hubungan kemanusiaan. . [read more]
Shinwon Healthcare Indonesia is a bio-venture company established in 2023 with investment from SW Healthcare Co. , Ltd Korea. We provide the highest quality testing services in molecular.. [read more]
Satu Sehat Clinic committed to provide integrated health solutions that are safe and affordable. . [read more]
Sejak 2013 berdirinya Yogyatourium sebagai Creative space & Community Hub telah memberikan ruang bagi warga kota, Komunitas dan Inisiatif program untuk bertemu, berkolaborasi, belajar, dan.. [read more]
Bicara Si Kecil menyediakan informasi dengan topik seputar kesehatan anak yang dikemas secara menarik melalui social media supaya lebih mudah untuk menjangkau berbagai kalangan masyarakat. [read more]
AMSA-UNS is an organization where medical students can reach their utmost potential through limitless opportunities that align with knowledge, action, and friendship to empower and contribute.. [read more]
YAYASAN PERKUMPULAN HUSADA is a hospital, located at Jakarta. [read more]
YAYASAN BADAN RUMAH SAKIT GEREJA KRISTEN PASUNDAN is a hospital, located at Bandung, West Java. [read more]
Yayasan Karya Misericordia is a hospital, located at Malang, East Java. [read more]
Yayasan St. Dominikus is a hospital, located at Purwokerto, Central Java. [read more]
YAYASAN MUSLIMAT NAHDATUL ULAMA is a hospital, located at Sidoarjo, East Java. [read more]
Wifus Health is being a leading and reliable healthcare platform in Indonesia. We build and deliver Health-tech Integration Platform. Email us for more information!contact@wifus. [read more]
Mengedepankan teknologi berbasis laser dan dijalankan oleh tenaga ahli profesional dibidangnya, Wijaya Platinum kini telah menjadi klinik kecantikan yang selalu berinovasi dengan pengguna.. [read more]
The VISION of the UGM Academic Hospital is to become a hospital that carries out superior, world-class, independent, dignified, and dignified service, education and research services, education.. [read more]
We helps doctors and medical practitioners keep track of health-related information for the patients. . [read more]
Melayani Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Klinik dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Kabupaten Cianjur. [read more]
VAXCORP INDONESIA is the leading Disease Prevention Service Provider in Indonesia. A vision of Dr. A. Nadim as Founder & CEO, VAXCORP INDONESIA is developing a platform of community-based.. [read more]
WHITENVY® dental adalah pemimpin berskala global dalam bidang Kedokteran Gigi Umum dan Kosmetik. Kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan layanan dengan kualitas berkelas dunia, menunjukkan perhatian.. [read more]
Previously known as Viva Generik. Viva Health is one of the most innovative and emerging primary health care provider, connecting patients and customers through our four integrated pillars:.. [read more]
VIO Optical Clinic yang berdiri sejak tahun 2013 berlokasi di Bekasi dan Tangerang, dibawah naungan Dokter Optometri lulusan Cebu Doctor University Phillipine berpengalaman yang tersertifikasi.. [read more]
Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Berbasis Digital. [read more]
We believe every human deserves equal healthcare services; a chance to heal, a hope for a better life. WeCare. id is the first medical-based crowdfunding platform in Indonesia, built specifically.. [read more]
Schedule your family's vaccination with the best doctors, while reducing waiting time. We work together with the best medical talents and the top notch clinics to make sure your family gets the.. [read more]