A food and beverage company at ELDEST 2021. Best Company at ELDEST 2021 • Best Marketing at ELDEST 2021 • Best Business Plan at ELDEST 2021. [read more]
Basketlahhhh is an open basketball community, founded by some people who love to play in the middle of their busy office lyf~ Join us for a fun game, and while playing get to know more.. [read more]
Bepro is an Elearning company which provides online business English courses for professionals. It was started in 2023 and was inspired by the need to have online business English courses among.. [read more]
BPP Consultant merupakan konsultan psikologi dan pendidikan Anak, Remaja dan Keluarga. Biro dengan semboyan "Berkah dan Bermanfaat". . [read more]
Bimbela adalah kursus online bagi anak berusia 9 s/d 14 tahun via online (Zoom). [read more]
Belajar Bersama is a company, located at West Java. [read more]
We are the Best Coconut Supplier From Indonesia with generations of experience in developing coconut-based products. Creating a sustainable synergy that integrates business with the environment,.. [read more]
Media Interpretasi yang menjadi ruang Komunikatif bagi Mahasiswa Geografi UNJ dalam dunia karir maupun pendidikan. Akun Resmi Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Prodi Geografi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. [read more]
Wedding Photographer"The Beggining Of Stories"- Photo Wedding- Photo PreWedding- Photo Maternity- Photo Couple Sesion- Photo Product- Photo Birthday Party Invitations- Teaser Video- Cinematic.. [read more]
bengkel las maju jaya BK is a company, located at Bogor, West Java. [read more]
Bakti Bagi Negeri is a company, located at Special Capital Region of Jakarta. [read more]
BARBERTIME is a company, located at Depok, West Java. [read more]
PT Budget and Beyond adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang design and built interior furniture. Kami menyediakan solusi terbaik untuk kebutuhan desain dan pembangunan ruang interior, baik.. [read more]
Bengkel Las Listrik Logam Karya is a company, located at Bogor, West Java. [read more]
At Baria, we are committed to delivering high-quality specialty lubricants that meet the unique needs of our customers across a wide range of industries, including automotive, industrial,.. [read more]
Bicara Si Kecil menyediakan informasi dengan topik seputar kesehatan anak yang dikemas secara menarik melalui social media supaya lebih mudah untuk menjangkau berbagai kalangan masyarakat. [read more]
We're meaning-keen humans, we don't like any pointless dot in our life. This makes us hate the concept of coincidence. We crave explanation in every scene of our lives. [read more]
Organisasi kemahasiswan di lingkungan FH UII yang bergerak mempelajari bidang Hukum Kepailitan & PKPU, Hukum Acara dst. [read more]
We are an IT company with expertise in application development, website creation, UI/UX and Video and motion graphics located in Yogyakarta. A talented and passionate team in designing and.. [read more]
Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas Siliwangi. [read more]
Bakso & Mie Ayam Raksasa is a restaurant, located at Palembang, South Sumatra. [read more]
Bintang kecil preschool is a company, located at West Jakarta, Jakarta. [read more]
We are a specialized printing vendor that produces wristband and lanyard made from high-quality materials. #SEHARIJADI*. [read more]
PT. BANK PERKREDITAN RAKYAT MULTI SEMBADA DANA (BPR) didirikan di Jakarta, pada tanggal 26 Maret 2008 berdasarkan Akta Notaris Dradjat Darmadji, SH Nomor 196 dan telah disahkan berdasarkan.. [read more]
Bisalah. id is a marketplace and tools provider for teachers, coaches, and educators. Our mission is to make teachers become their own bosses with wide flexibility in managing their own classes.. [read more]
Usaha ini dibentuk pada tahun 2022 yang berawal dari bidang transportasi dan desain grafis 2D dan akan terus berkembang dengan menambah bidang - bidang lainnya. [read more]
Bengkel Las Alifa Jaya is a company, located at Bogor, West Java. [read more]
Your Biggest Picnic Music Festival by Bigu Creative🧺🗓️17-18 June 2023📍Stadion Madya Senayan. [read more]
Didirikan pada awal tahun 2020 untuk wadah berbagi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi melalui tulisan dan video. ‘Berqas' berasal dari plesetan kata ‘berkas', yaitu kumpulan (gabungan) benda.. [read more]
Blue Circle Indonesia is a trusted aesthetic product distributor with a strong distribution network. Founded in 2021 by highly motivated professionals, we are strategically located in.. [read more]
One stop solution multipurpose venue for your events, gatherings and meetings. . [read more]
Software Development and Digital Products Company established since 2016. Some of our main services in Software Development include Digital Systems Development, Mobile Application.. [read more]
We're open order for many kind of donuts and others!For further information go check our Instagram below :)https://www. instagram. com/by. urbite/. [read more]
Balpary Embroidery menyediakan digitizer profesional dengan harga terbaik untuk Layanan dan Pelatihan Digitalisasi. Kami tahu pentingnya sulaman Anda dan betapa istimewanya bagi Anda. [read more]
Bakti Bangun Uniform is a company, located at Surabaya, East Java. [read more]
Bandar Salad merupakan restaurant yang menjual Healthy Vegetable Salad dan juga Cold-Pressed Juice. Tujuan utama dari bisnis ini adalah memberikan opsi makanan yang menyehatkan dan mengedepankan.. [read more]