PT Upajiwa Business Solution (UBS) was established in 2003 and engaged in Information Technology, especially as a provider of satellite-based data communication services, laser beams, and.. [read more]
Focused on continuously improving revenue potential and business performance through integrated one stop marketing strategy. . [read more]
Kelompok Penelitian Mahasiswa or Student Research Group is an organization that running in student research aspect. . [read more]
UEB is a Jakarta based design community that can help any company that needs a solution for their problems, in terms of tools for marketing and IT side. [read more]
UNESA is a company, located at 180 Jalan Ketintang, Surabaya, East Java 60235. They can be contacted via phone at +628113577890 for more detailed information. [read more]
ULD Logistics PT started its operations as early as 1990. We started off as a freight forwarderfocusing on the oil and gas companies specializing inproject cargo handling in Indonesia. [read more]
UNGGUL PUTRA SAMUDRA, CV is an import and export company based out of 171 Jl. Karangjati, Desa Ardi Mulyo, Singosari, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. . [read more]
After years, now UNKL347 is a 7-part project that holds not only a clothing line, but also skateboarding up to interior household stuff. Founded by art school music junkie in 1996, these.. [read more]
Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan mainan Model Kit secara online yang berada di Kota Semarang. [read more]
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan is a higher education company based out of Indonesia. . [read more]
UD Wijaya is a company, located at Surabaya, East Java. [read more]
UNGARAN INDAH BUSANA, PT is a company, located at Semarang City, Central Java. [read more]
Universitas Indonesia Model United Nations Club (UI MUN Club) is one of the leading MUN Communities in the Asia-Pacific which works on skills development of its member, including.. [read more]
UCLG ASPAC is one of the Regional Sections of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), an amalgamation of International Union of Local Authorities, United Towns Organization (UTO), and.. [read more]
Universitas Respati Indonesia (URINDO) Terakreditasi "B". Sampai saat ini lulusan Universitas Respati Indonesia telah diserap di dunia kerja sesuai dengan program studi yang ada di Fakultas. [read more]
Usaha Anak Negri is a company, located at 24 Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Bogor, West Java 16125. [read more]
Uc Apartelle is a company, located at 42 Jalan Kendangsari II, Surabaya, East Java 60292. [read more]
Urfcollection. com is a company, located at Jalan Raya Cibanteng, Bogor, West Java 16628. [read more]
Ulah Nyandung Company is a company, located at Indonesia. [read more]
Uwieworo Toko Sagalaya is a company, located at 92 Jalan Terbang Layang, Bandung, West Java 40293. [read more]
Usagi Merchandise is a company, located at Cicadas, Bandung, West Java 40354. [read more]
Perusahaan Bergerak di bidang Teknologi Informasi. . [read more]
Organisasi Kemahasiswaan dalam lingkup Keluarga Mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Bandung (KM ITB) dengan basis minat dan bakat dalam olahraga bola basket. [read more]
Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif menyediakan 12 program studi yaitu D3 Teknik Komputer, S1 Teknik Industri, S1 Teknik Informatika, S1 Teknik Mesin, S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual, S1 Hukum,.. [read more]
Visi: Pada tahun 2022 menjadi Universitas Gunadarma menjadi perguruan tinggi swasta bereputasi internasional berbasis keunggulan dalam kegiatan tridharma perguruan tinggi yang holistik dan.. [read more]
Official account of UX Indonesia Training and Certification. . [read more]
Unocal Indonesia Company is a company, located at Balikpapan, East Kalimantan 76127. [read more]
Software House. [read more]
Merupakan Perusahaan di bawah naungan Universitas Diponegoro yang memiliki bidang usaha kreatif dalam hal pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dan berbagai bidang usaha lainnya untuk memenuhi.. [read more]
UXGama is a community for user experience enthusiast at Gadjah Mada University since 2016. We are responsible for creating training UI/UX with professional trainers at Yogyakarta. [read more]
Tobacco Trading Company established in 1985Our main products are Naoogst Tobacco for cigars and Vor-oogst Tobacco for cigarette. . [read more]
UNZA VITALIS, PT is a company, located at Jakarta. [read more]
UNITY CARE AND TRAINING CONSULTANCY LIMITED is a company, located at Jalan Benteng Betawi. [read more]
Universitas Islam Lamongan is the first university in Lamongan City. Until the end of 2006, the university has 7 faculties for graduate study programs (S1), including the Faculty of.. [read more]
Pada tahun 2010, berdasarkan hasil Rapat Pleno PBNU di Wonosobo mewajibkan pengelolaan perguruan tinggi langsung menggunakan badan hukum Perkumpulan Nahdlatul Ulama. [read more]
To scale your business, increase sales and improve conversion. [read more]