

Tags : #HotelLodging, #Hotel&Lodging

Location :
Borobudur Hotel, Jl. Lapangan Banteng selatan No.1, Jakarta


New Musro Club & Lounge Jakarta

MUSRO (Music Room) is Jakarta clubbing legend. It was Jakarta’s well know exclusive night club where than rich, famous and beautiful (and those that want to be) gathered since December 1983. MUSRO as it was affectionately called, set the standard in music, event & service. It went through many music and social trends and has evolved through the years with its market. When MUSRO closed its doors many were left searching for a place that would have these same standards, atmosphere and clientele but they are still searching.

Just the fact that MUSRO is reopening is causing a major stir within the Jakarta’s nightlife industry. The New MUSRO will revive a lot of the character of the old while taking a hard look at the current trends in clubs and discos and also where it is all headed. MUSRO will be, once again, the symbol of the pinnacle of the night club industry.

MUSRO Club & Lounge together with Member area a multi-faceted venue, providing the ultimate in style and sophistication, from intimate gatherings to company functions.

MUSRO Club & Lounge can cater for everything from product launch to aboard meeting, a private party to company gathering. Available as a whole area or room by room, private functions are inclusive of staffing, security, management, with massive sound system equipped with high end multi media, lightning and DJ’s. Event specific décor and catering can be arranged.

25 to 40 years of age in range, upper income bracket, executives, expatriates, hotel guests, models and celebrities. Those that were MUSRO regulars, and those that have not experienced MUSRO at all.

Design of the venue will be in a Erotically of Kamasutra with statues, lots of skirts and exotic lighting. The design will exude elegance and sophistication.

The venue is now two stories, fits up to 800 standing or 200 seating guest and 50 seating guest in member area with separated DJ Booth. There is a stage for a live band with Big screen and the big DJ Booth in the center of stage. There are Exclusive Wine Lounge at second floor with internet facilities. There are many chair and fantastic sofas.

The goal is to offer the best customer service in any disco, bar or restaurant in Jakarta. Trained under the strict Borobudur standards the staff will ensure that will feel that MUSRO will be their second home.

Special event hosts are welcome to decorate the room to their liking, with prior approval from the Event Coordinator. Special needs such as floral arrangements and the like may be handled and billed through the MUSRO or through an outside agent. Likewise, any entertainment needs, such as bands, DJ’s, dancers, celebrity impersonators, etc., may be handled and billed through the MUSRO or through an outside agent. Further, MUSRO Club & Lounge will not assume any responsibility or liability for property or services not contracted through the MUSRO.

The old MUSRO is famous for its strict door policy and we will use the same strategy. We will make it an effort for people to get through the doors with queues, age policy and dress code. We will have 21 years and up only policy. Identification cards will be checked to ensure that those under aged will not allowed in. We will big doorman in uniform to greet people as they are coming in and tall, good looking receptionist in elegant dresses that will greet you and take you to your table once you have entered.

The main attraction at MUSRO will be the people. This is where our target market will meet, socialize, show off their expensive clothes, and show off their expensive cars in the parking lot. MUSRO will be opened 6 days a week, from 11.00 am – 02.00 am in week days, 11.00 am – 04.00 am in week end. Entertainment varies from unobtrusive classics 80’s to live performance music of easy listening, jazzy, and electro house music. We will do nostalgia nights where we play the classics music only in Friday Once a Month.
The stage and ample standing and sitting area is ideal for conducting smaller concert or shows by artist that either the MUSRO will do or promoters that we could rent the venue to.
There is also a kitchen to cater to MUSRO guest. Oriental and Western dishes will be on the menu.

Your private Function reservation will be confirmed upon receipt of your signed contract, including a credit card number. Nothing will be charged to your card at that time, though it will be used in the event of a no show or cancellation after the specified deadline. All dates that have been put on “hold” are considered tentative until a signed contract is received. Payment in full is required at the completion of the event, unless prior arrangements have been made with MUSRO.

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