A great museum where you can study about the history of education supported by a plethora of historical artifact
Bentar lg anniv museum pendidikan. Kalo ga salah selama beberapa hari free entry💓
It closes early so if you want to feel the full experience of this museum I recommend you to visit early in the morning (preferably around 9-10 am). Cool air (obviously), very educational. One of the better museums I've ever visited in Indonesia.
Ita kind of museum that will attract us to learn more without bore.. there are some display bout historical events, mini cinema, and off course guides
Its spot used to be the old Pentagon building, one of the campus' legendary landmarks.
The museum displays a wide range of educational systems, from the simplest ones to the high-tech and very sophisticated education.
It displays figures and photos of the nation's education icons such as Ki Hajar Dewantara, Dewi Sartika and Douwes Dekker (dr. Setiabudhi who is also the founder of "Kesatrian Institute", a school where Ir. Sukarno worked when he studied architecture in then-ITB).
This museum has several interactive devices with touchscreens that help its visitors learn the varieties of educational systems.
The most interesting display to me, as an alumni of this campus, is its mockups of the buildings in the university campus. It displays the mockups of Al Furqon mosque, Isola building, Partere park, the faculties, Upinet and its' parking areas.
Best place to find the history of education in Indonesia. As well as, good spot to take a picture!
Biaya masuk waktu itu 5k. Di dalemnya ada visualisasi periodisasi pendidikan di Indonesia zaman dulu sampai prediksi pendidikan di masa depan.
good place to know about a lot of Indonesian Education
An amazing educational museum. We can see a lot of pictures and also things left from times to times, including kingdoms era and ancient times. Besides, we can explore many things related to Indonesia national education system.
Great Place for education and Bandung History
Good for not only the university students but also the high school students and in-service teachers to visit
Museum tentang pendidikan sejak zaman purba
Tempatnya bagus, desain bangunannya juga keren. Tp msh banyak yg blm rampung. Semoga cpr selesaai.
Cocok jika untuk studi banding para siswa maupun untuk pengunjung umum. Tiket masuknya tidak mahal.
Bagus di foto dari atas dan objek untuk fotografi. Namun dalamnya creepy
Dari luar terlihat megah, dan desainnya keren, akan tetapi di lantai paling atas terdapat bocor", mohon diperbaiki kepada penhelola
sebuah bentuk kepedulian besar upi terhadapad pendidikan di indonesia
Museum about past and future education. An amazing experience for education and entertainment necesary.
Ready to serve you as a guide and help you to know about Museum.
Tempat yang asik untuk mempelajari sejarah pendidikan di Indonesia. Disajikan dengan konsep fun learning, museum ini menyajikan pengalaman pembelajaran yang luar biasa. Plus, tiket masuknya murah, hanya Rp.5000,-
Saya like meuseum upi bandung
Sangat bagus. Namun lantai paling atas sepertinya belum selesai pengerjaannya. Tapi di salah satu lantai ada hal yang sangat menarik yakni semacam motion sensor di beberapa komputer dengan monitor yang besar.
My kids loves it..yes its not done yet..but its worth to visit..
Suitable for early age kids, family and people who are in to museum things..
we opened on weekend start from 08.00 AM ultill 12.00 AM