Masjid Annur Ihsan is a mosque, located at Jalan Dodinga-Subaim, Wasile Selatan Village/Sub District, Halmahera District, Maluku Utara 97863. [read more]
Masjid Al Mujahhidin is a mosque, located at MABA Sub DistrictHalmahera District, , Maluku Utara 97862. [read more]
Masjid Al Huttaqih is a mosque, located at Jalan Lintas Halmahera, Oba Utara Village/Sub District, Tidore Kepulauan District, Maluku Utara 97852. [read more]
Masjid Mardhaatillah is a mosque, located at Jalan Soa Baru, Ternate Utara Village/Sub District, Ternate District, Maluku Utara 97725. [read more]
Masjid Raya Al Munawar is a mosque, located at Jalan Sultan IM Djabar Sjah, Central Ternate Village/Sub District, Ternate District, North Moluccas 97721. [read more]
Masjid Kelurahan Tubo is a mosque, located at Ternate Utara Village/Sub District, Ternate District, North Moluccas 97751. [read more]
Masjid Al Kirah is a mosque, located at Jalan Dokulamo, Galela Barat Village/Sub District, Halmahera District, Maluku Utara 97761. [read more]
Mushollah Ar Rabim is a mosque, located at Jalan Dodinga-Subaim, Kao Teluk Village/Sub District, Halmahera District, Maluku Utara 97764. [read more]
Masjid As Samsu is a mosque, located at Jalan Frans Kaisiepo, Tidore Timur Village/Sub District, Tidore Kepulauan District, Maluku Utara 97813. [read more]
Masjid Sigi Lamo Jailolo is a mosque, located at Jalan Pelabuhan, Jailolo Village/Sub District, Halmahera District, Maluku Utara 97752. [read more]
Masjid Kesultanan Ternate is a mosque, located at Jalan Sultan Babullah, Ternate Utara Village/Sub District, Ternate District, Maluku Utara 97723. [read more]
Masjid Babul Anshar is a mosque, located at Jalan Lintas Halmahera, Oba Village/Sub District, Tidore Kepulauan District, Maluku Utara 97852. [read more]
Sultan of Ternate Mosque, also known as the Old Mosque of Ternate, is an old mosque in Ternate City, Indonesia. It is the largest mosque in the city and the royal mosque of the Ternate Sultanate. [read more]
Masjid Almuhajirin Antam is a mosque, located at Geltoli, Maba, East Halmahera Regency, North Maluku. [read more]
Masjid Annaafi is a mosque, located at Desa Takoma Kec Ternate Tengah Kota Ternate, Takoma, Central Ternate, Ternate City, North Maluku. They can be contacted via phone at +62 921 3121355 for.. [read more]
الصلاة عماد الدين. di sini, selalu ditemani suara ombak. . . !. [read more]
Masjid besar dan luas serta nyaman, baik untuk halamannya dan parkiran kendaraan. مسجد روضة المرتشدين. [read more]
الصلاة رئس العبادة. [read more]
مسجد خير الجماعة. [read more]
مسجد نور الناس. [read more]
Masjit Az'zahra,tobelo Halut:Halmahera Utara is a mosque, located at Halut, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, Maluku Utara. They can be contacted via phone at +62 813-5585-2522 for more detailed information. [read more]
Masjid Tambihul Gaffilin, is a mosque, located at Desa, Kec. , Gorua Utara, Tobelo Utara, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, Maluku Utara. They can be contacted via phone at +62 811-4333-554 for.. [read more]
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله Tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah dan Muhammad adalah utusan Allah. [read more]
Masjid yang berdiri di atas laut ini merupakan Masjid Raya ternate atau Masji Al-Munawar, Masjid ini termasuk salah satu Masjid terunik di Indonesia karena di bangun di atas air (sebagian terapung.. [read more]
Musholah Bukulasa is a mosque, located at Bukulasa, Bukit Durian, Oba Utara, Kota Tidore Kepulauan, Maluku Utara. [read more]
هداية المنتهى. [read more]
Tulisan yang tertera digerbang mesjid adalah SIGI KOLANO yang arti dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah Mesjid Sulthan ( sigi artinya adalah mesjid dan kolano artinya adalah penguasa ),dibangun pada.. [read more]
Speaker TOA yang di dalam Masjid Raya Tobelo kurang jelas suaranya, tolong panitia DKM untuk mempersiapkan sebelum acara shalat tarawih di mulai. . Sejuk, dengan suasana yang sangat religius. [read more]
Mesjid samping rmh saya. Sering shalat disini klo pas lgi nginap di Emerald ato di Batik. [read more]
الصلاة. مفتاح العبادة. [read more]
Shalat dengan penuh kekhusyuan. . . [read more]
Masjid Al-Mujahhidin Desa Teluk Buli is a mosque, located at Unnamed Road, Teluk, Buli, Maba, Kabupaten Halmahera Timur, Maluku Utara. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-4490-1431 for.. [read more]
Ini nama masjid bukanya masjid Tomalou ? Soalnya saya pernah keeja di masjid tomalou? Tinggal di seberang masjid di rumah Sulaiman?. NURUL BAHAR. . Nurul bahri. [read more]
مسجد القريشية. [read more]
Mesjid Kuba is a mosque, located at Dokiri, South Tidore, Tidore Kepulauan City, North Maluku. [read more]
نور الهداية. Tempat tinggal dekat mesjid itu. [read more]