Rumah Sakit Bunda adalah Rumah Sakit Swasta yang berada di Kabupaten Way Kanan Provinsi Lampung yang sudah terakreditasi Bintang 1 atau Pertama KARS. [read more]
Puskesmas Haji Pemanggilan is a hospital, located at Jalan Raya Padang Ratu, Anak Tuha Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34161. [read more]
BAMHCID menyediakan kebutuhan kesehatan bagi perorangan maupun instansi dengan pelayanan cepat, tepat, dan mudahBAMHCID juga melayani jasa perawatan dan perbaikan alat laboratorium, alat diagnosa.. [read more]
RS Natar Medika adalah salah satu RS swasta yang terletak di Jl. Raya Natar No. 4 Desa Muara Putih Kecamatan Natar Lampung Selatan. RS Natar Medika merupakan salah satu Rumah Sakit yang.. [read more]
RSUD Jend. A. Yani Metro memiliki misi:1. Meningkatkan profesionalisme SDM kesehatan yang berdaya saing;2. Mengembangkan sarana dan prasarana rumah sakit yanga aman dan nyaman; 3. [read more]
Rumah Sakit Haji Kamino Way Kanan is a hospital, located at Jalan Negara, Lampung 34761. They can be contacted via phone at +6281272095786 for more detailed information. [read more]
RS IMANUEL LAMPUNG is a hospital, located at Bandar Lampung, Lampung. [read more]
Puskesmas Pembantu Tanjungrajagiham is a hospital, located at Blambangan Umpu Village/Sub District, Way Kanan District, Lampung 34767. [read more]
Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak AMC is a hospital, located at Jalan Kunang, Metro Pusat Village/Sub District, Metro District, Lampung 34111. [read more]
Klinik Medika Tulang Bawang Tengah is a hospital, located at Tulang Bawang Tengah Village/Sub District, Tulang Bawang District, Lampung 34693. [read more]
Rumah Sakit Imanuel Way Halim is a hospital, located at Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Sukarame Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 35131. They can be contacted via phone at +62 721 704900.. [read more]
Klinik Puti Bungsu is a hospital, located at Terbanggi Besar Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34163. [read more]
Pustu Sungaisidang is a hospital, located at Rawajitu Utara Village/Sub District, Mesuji District, Lampung 34596. [read more]
Klinik Ayur Veda is a hospital, located at Jalan Raya Haji Mena, Natar Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 35362. [read more]
Puskesmas Pembantu Desa Gunung Sari is a hospital, located at Abung Semuli Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34581. [read more]
Puskesmas Pembantu Rantautemiang is a hospital, located at Banjit Village/Sub District, Way Kanan District, Lampung 34766. [read more]
Pustu Way Limau Desa Way Limau Kecamatan Negeri Agung is a hospital, located at Negeri Agung Village/Sub District, Way Kanan District, Lampung 34764. [read more]
Puskesmas Pembantu Desa Papanasri is a hospital, located at Abung Semuli Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34583. [read more]
Poskesdes Fajar Asri is a hospital, located at Seputih Agung Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34166. [read more]
Klinik Dr Nora is a hospital, located at Katibung Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 35452. [read more]
Puskesmas Pembantu Kotaway is a hospital, located at Kasui Village/Sub District, Way Kanan District, Lampung 34765. [read more]
Puskesdes Desa Jabung is a hospital, located at Jabung Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34384. [read more]
Puskemas Pembantu Papan Rejo is a hospital, located at Abung Timur Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34583. [read more]
Puskesmas Margoutomo is a hospital, located at Anak Tuha Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34161. [read more]
Puskemas Pembantu Karya Mukti is a hospital, located at Margatiga Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34386. [read more]
Pustu Margajayaindah is a hospital, located at Lambu Kibang Village/Sub District, Tulang Bawang District, Lampung 34388. [read more]
Puskesmas Pagerdewa is a hospital, located at Lambu Kibang Village/Sub District, Tulang Bawang District, Lampung 34388. [read more]
Poskesdes Negaraharja is a hospital, located at Pakuan Ratu Village/Sub District, Way Kanan District, Lampung 34762. [read more]
Puskesmas Pembantu Desa Negeri Ujungkarang is a hospital, located at Muara Sungkai Village/Sub District, Tulang Bawang District, Lampung 34559. [read more]
Poskesdes Ujungrembun is a hospital, located at Lemong Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34877. [read more]
Puskesmas Pembantu Tanjung Ratu is a hospital, located at Jalan Negara, Terbanggi Besar Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34163. [read more]
Poskesdes Tanjungmas is a hospital, located at Negara Batin Village/Sub District, Way Kanan District, Lampung 34769. [read more]
Puskesmas Rawat Inap Negara Bumi Ilir is a hospital, located at Anak Tuha Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34161. [read more]
Puskesmas Bandar Putih Tua Kec is a hospital, located at Padang Ratu Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34175. [read more]
Poskesdes bumisari is a hospital, located at Penawar Tama Village/Sub District, Tulang Bawang District, Lampung 34595. [read more]
Poskesdes Desa Melungunratu is a hospital, located at Sungkai Utara Village/Sub District, Lampung District, Lampung 34555. [read more]