Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT), located at Jl. Negara No. 62, Gn. Sugih, Lampung Tengah, Bandar Lampung, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung 34161. They can be contacted via phone at +62 725.. [read more]
Mumtaz Cell is an electronics store, located at Pekon Balak, Batu Brak, West Lampung Regency, Lampung 34881. They can be contacted via phone at +62 853-7782-5555 for more detailed information. [read more]
Well, this place is quite good. Not perfect for its price range, but good. My executive room in second floor is full of ants! Yeah, ants! That little brown creature hoarded my room! So please,.. [read more]
DW Tunggal, located at JL. Jenderal Ahmad Yani, Ground Floor Pasar Pring Sewu, Pringsewu Utara, Kec. Pringsewu, Kabupaten Pringsewu, Lampung 35373. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
Tempat yg tepat utk keluarga menikmati keindahan Laut lepas serta pemandangannya yg masih ASRI utk melepaskan kelelahan bekerja selama ini. . Yang ingin antar makanan boleh ๐. [read more]
Travel tegas melayani jurusan Bandar Lampung-Palembang PP, Bandar Lampung-Bakauheni PP, Bandar Lampung- Jakarta PP. tempat tunggunya luas ada toilet umum ny di belakang. [read more]
Nice place but their cottages must be repaired. . . Tempat nya bagus banget, tapi pondokannya harus diperbaiki. . . Love it with my friends. Suasana pantai dpadu dengan penginapan dari.. [read more]
Piyan Salon is a hair care, located at Jl. P. Tirtayasa No. 65, Sukabumi, Kec. Sukabumi, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35134. They can be contacted via phone at +62 896-6684-7450 for more.. [read more]
Roda Wahyu Jati is a furniture store, located at JL. Raya Candimas, RT. 003 RW. 02, Wilayah Kec Kotabumi Lainnya Kotabumi, 34551, Sribasuki, Kotabumi, Kabupaten Lampung Utara, Lampung 34516. [read more]
Kharisma Saudara Motor is a car repair, located at Jl. P Singkep No. 335, Sukarame, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35122. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-7997-2765 for more.. [read more]
Kim Jaya Motor is a car repair, located at Jl. Teuku Cik Ditro Blok D No. 25/22, Beringin Raya, Kemiling, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35155. They can be contacted via phone at +62 821-2334-9999.. [read more]
PT. Garuda Nusantara Capital (Permanently Closed), located at SPBU 24. 351. 35, Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani No. 17 B, Pelita, Tj. Karang Pusat, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35213. [read more]
Barokah Bersama Motor (Permanently Closed) is a store, located at kennels near, Jalan Soekarno - Hatta, Lampuot, Banda Raya, Kota Banda Aceh, Lampung 23233. [read more]
lokasi : gampang di cari & di pinggir jalan. kemana - mana gampang. bersih, nyaman, pasti lbih enak kalo selimutnya di kasih yg agak gedean. . . cozy, value deal for money. [read more]
Patuna Tours & Travel is a travel agency, located at Jl. Raden Ajeng Kartini No. 4A, Palapa, Tj. Karang Pusat, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35116. They can be contacted via phone at +62 721.. [read more]
Lampung Pasta is a cafe, located at Gg. Kaswadi, Sukarame, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35131. [read more]
Solusi Batteries (Sobat Aki) is a car repair, located at Jl. Pulau Legundi No. 216, Sukabumi Indah, Kec. Sukabumi, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35133. [read more]
Tiara lovely valentin. [read more]
Tempat pelayanan masyarakat yg berkaitan dgn administrasi kependudukan, Pemerintahan, pembangunan dan Kesejahteraan Sosial. [read more]
Rosalia Indah. PO Agen Kota Gajah is a travel agency, located at JL. Raya Kota Gajah, Kota Gajah, Pekalongan, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung 34384. [read more]
PT. Bina Kerja Cemerlang, located at Jl. Nusa Jaya, Way Dadi, Sukarame, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35131. They can be contacted via phone at +62 721 408208 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pencetak generasi unggul. Kelas unggulan nya melahirkan banyak prestasi, mulai dari peneliti, pejabat hingga prmain film. [read more]
Fany Walls, located at JL Olahraga, RT 06 RW 01, Pringsewu Barat, Pringsewu Bar. , Kec. Pringsewu, Kabupaten Pringsewu, Lampung 35373. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-9278-9669 for.. [read more]
Masjid Jami Sidratul Muntaha awalnya dibangun oleh Yayasan Amal Bhakti Muslim Pancasila sekarang setelah mengalami beberapa kali renovasi menjadi semakin keren ๐. [read more]
Luna Boutiqe is a clothing store, located at Jalan Hi. Komarudin No. 33, Gang Senen, Raja Basa, Rajabasa Raya, Rajabasa, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35144. [read more]
Kalau di Gmaps sih namanya pulau rimau balak, tapi banyak orang di desa sumur atau sekitarnya sering menyebut pulau harimau. Di pulau ini sudah ada penduduk dan sekolah dasar, ada kebun warga.. [read more]
Zubaidi Komaruddin is an accounting, located at Jl. Pulau Morotai No. 8, Gn. Sulah, Way Halim, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35136. They can be contacted via phone at +62 721 787044 for more.. [read more]
Bersih wangi seperti baruuu. [read more]
Toko Alat Listrik Trimoyo is an electronics store, located at Wawasan, Tanjung Sari, South Lampung Regency, Lampung 35361. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-7942-6296 for more.. [read more]
Msa2 kecilku. . penuh kenangan. . [read more]
Barang2 bergaransi resmi. Komplit dan nyaman belanja di toko Virginia. Harga nya juga murah. . Harga terjangkau dan lengkap perabot yg dijual. orang Kobum pasti tau ini. [read more]
Sekolah yang berada di pusat kec sukarame. smk yg mulai maju berkembang terus. Oke bro ada jurusan teknik sepeda motor nya :D. [read more]
Toko Dariyati is a store, located at Pasar Kota Gajah, JL Raya Kota Gajah, RT. 01 RW. 01, Kota Gajah, Lampung Tengah, Kota Gajah, Metro, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung 34384. [read more]
Royce Pratama Motor. PT, located at Pemanggilan, Natar, South Lampung Regency, Lampung 35144. They can be contacted via phone at +62 721 705884 for more detailed information. [read more]
Tempat ini sangat bgs untuk anak. [read more]
Wisma Difa 1 is a lodging, located at Jl. Sultan Agung Gg. Murai No. 17, Labuhan Ratu, Kedaton, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35132. They can be contacted via phone at +62 853-6767-2597 for.. [read more]