ANT Bank BCA 8255-Tarakan is a bank, located at Jl. Yos Sudarso, Karang Balik, Tarakan Bar. , Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 0500888 for more.. [read more]
CDM Bank BCA 904V-Tarakan is a bank, located at Jl. Yos Sudarso, Karang Balik, Tarakan Bar. , Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 0500888 for more.. [read more]
Pencucian Mobil Rizky is a car wash, located at Tanjung Selor Hilir, Tanjung Selor, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan 77214. [read more]
Pusat oleh-oleh khas Nunukan. [read more]
Administrator kantor dewan. [read more]
Nusantara Jaya Abadi. PT, located at Jl. Diponegoro No. 43, Sebengkok, Tarakan Tengah, Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. They can be contacted via phone at +62 551 51580 for more detailed information. [read more]
CV. Arcane Interior, located at Jln. Teuku Umar No 40 Rt 14 Pamusian, Pamusian, Tarakan Tengah, Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. They can be contacted via phone at +62 813-4710-0600 for more.. [read more]
MI Al-Ikhlas is a school, located at JL. Pesantren, Nunukan Sel. , Kec. Nunukan, Kabupaten Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara 77482. They can be contacted via phone at +62 556 2026691 for more.. [read more]
Toko Lariso is a clothing store, located at Tanjung Selor Hilir, Tanjung Selor, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan 77214. They can be contacted via phone at +62 552 22870 for more.. [read more]
SLTP Nergeri 2 Tanjung Selor is a school, located at Jl. Gelatik, Tj. Selor Hilir, Tj. Selor, Kabupaten Bulungan, Kalimantan Utara 77215. They can be contacted via phone at +62 552 21455 for.. [read more]
Cukup bagus dalam mengumpulkan hasil - hasil usaha kecil menengah di Kota Tarakan. Namun sayang tempat ini kurang diminati oleh masyarakat. Seharusnya dari pihak Pemkot memperhatikan lebih.. [read more]
UD. Raihan =]>ใ69ใ is a store, located at Jl. Salak, Tj. Selor Hilir, Tj. Selor, Kabupaten Bulungan, Kalimantan Utara 77216. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-5308-304 for more.. [read more]
Car Wash Mekar Abadi Jaya (MAJ) is a car wash, located at Rt. 11. No. 05 Tarakan Timur, Jl. Kusuma Bangsa, Gn. Lingkas, Tarakan Tim. , Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara 77115. [read more]
New and clean place. Short walking distance from the port where you catch boats to Nunukan and Tanjung Selor. Rooms with hot water. Drinking water (hot and cold) for free. [read more]
Kalimantan Timur Abadi. CV, located at JL. Wono Indah, RT 009, Kp. Empat, Tarakan Tim. , Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. They can be contacted via phone at +62 551 32442 for more detailed information. [read more]
Rian Rachmad Abadi. PT, located at JL. Swarga RT. 02, No. 13, 77112, Kp. Empat, Tarakan Tim. , Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. They can be contacted via phone at +62 551 36394 for more.. [read more]
Jual berbagai suku cadang. [read more]
SD Negeri 2 Rinding is a school, located at JL. Iswahyudi, Nunukan Sel. , Berau, Kalimantan Utara 77482. They can be contacted via phone at +62 554 2029716 for more detailed information. [read more]
Tarakan Theater is a movie theater, located at Jl. Komodor Laksamana Yos Sudarso No. 29, Pantai Amal, Tarakan Tim. , Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. They can be contacted via phone at +62 551.. [read more]
Intracawood Manufacturing PT, located at Jalan Kom L Yos Sudarso 36-37, Tarakan, Kalimantan Timur 77113. They can be contacted via phone at +62 551 21314 for more detailed information. [read more]
Avrist Assurance PT is an insurance agency, located at JL. Gajah Mada, No. 5-A, Komplek Gusher, Mamburungan, Tarakan Tim. , Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. [read more]
Lokasinya mudah ditemukan, bila anda dari arah berau berarti kiri jalan. Bila dari tjg. selor kanan jalan. Lokasinya bersebelahan dengan jalur masuk ke asrama TNI. [read more]
Sangat membantu dalam transaksi perbankan. aq tau t4 ini soal x in dkt ma rmh q. sangat perlu adanya satpam yang menjaga di atm danamon tersebut. . [read more]
This is the ATM of Bank CIMB NIAGA. this place is strategic. and within easy reach. [read more]
Warung SURYA INDAH (Permanently Closed) is a restaurant, located at Jl. WR. Supratman No. 77, Kel. Tanjung Selor Hulu, Kec. Tanjung Selor, Tj. Selor Hulu, Tj. [read more]
Pegadaian Lingkas Ujung is a store, located at Kel. Lingkas Ujung, Kec. Tarakan Timur, Lingkas Ujung, East Tarakan, Tarakan City, Kalimantan Timur 77126. [read more]
Surya Futsal (Permanently Closed) is an amusement park, located at JL. Gapensi, Teras Baru, Tj. Selor, Kabupaten Bulungan, Kalimantan Utara 77211. They can be contacted via phone at +62 552.. [read more]
Service is good,,,i like it,,if you guys want know what i feel,,you guys must comed. . . A very comfortable place to stay. Close to shops, restaurants, and money changer. [read more]
Tempat paling menyenangkan adalah tempat dimana kita bisa merumput. [read more]
Lapangan yg besar berada di titik kota provinsi kalimantan utara, berada di kawasan perkantoran dan bandara Kaltara. Tempat terfavorit kalo ada acara ๐. [read more]
Harus pagi2 sekali belinya. . terlambat sedikit Naskunnya gak bersisa. . . Rasanya Enak. . harus dicoba. . :). [read more]
Pelayanan para karyawan sangat memuaskan dan juga ramah. Cuci motor dan mobil. TOP. [read more]
Enyak coffe is a cafe, located at Tanjung Selor Hilir, Tanjung Selor, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan 77214. [read more]
Salah satu gedung DPRD yg megah di Kaltara. [read more]
Saya dulu sekolah di SDN 029 sampai kls 3. Sekarang sudah smp dak terasa waktu berjalan begitu cepat, di smp juga ketemu sama teman lama dari SDN 029 ( DIMAS kls 3F ). [read more]
Raudhatul Athfal (Ra) Al-Anshar (Permanently Closed) is a school, located at Jl. Sabanar Lama, RT. 31, Tanjung Selor, Bulungan, Tj. Selor Tim. , Balikpapan, Kabupaten Bulungan, Kalimantan Utara 77212. [read more]