Tepat yang bagus dan menyenangkan buat nonton film 3d, terlebih lagi buat yang pacaran pasti nyaman. Walau begitu untuk hiburan keluarga juga baik terutama untuk akhir pekan. [read more]
Tempat anak asuh/anak yatim. [read more]
Pondok daerah kalijudan punya , kota surabaya. [read more]
aku kangen kampung ku. [read more]
3D Cinema Jatim Park 1 is a movie theater, located at Jawa Timur Park 1, Jalan Kartika 2, Sisir, Batu, Sisir, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65314. They can be contacted via phone at +62 341.. [read more]
Gebog UNISMA is a movie theater, located at Jl. Tata Surya No. 2, Dinoyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65144. They can be contacted via phone at +62 817-0306-0057 for more.. [read more]
Tempat ini sangat nyaman. [read more]
Pelopor teater yang asik. [read more]
Whoever said that this place has low attendance is wrong. We went to a Wednesday matinee and the theater was sold out! We bought the last two tickets in the front row. [read more]
Lets come here to see your favourite movie. Nice movie theater, recomended!. i love this place. . . . cozy. [read more]
Semua makanan di tempat ini enak bgt. Kalo cari studio photo keren disini tempatnya. pelayan yg begitu nyaman,, for the recommended places,. thanks. [read more]
Cool place for making an event! Nuansa jadul dan historiknya pun juga kerasa, bisa dijadikan tempat untuk para pecinta fotografi hunting foto. Namun tempat sudah tidak teelalu terawat, akan.. [read more]
Persewaan kaset bioskop mini Bioskop pertama di Indonesia berdiri pada Desember 1900, di Jl Tanah Abang I, Jakarta Pusat, karcis kelas I harganya dua gulden(perak) dan harga karcis kelas.. [read more]
Was my fav cinema until the new pakuwon mall has their new XXI. . Maybe bcs I used to go to the Pakuwon Mall nowadays, so when I came back to watch movie at PTC XXI, what I felt is the chair is.. [read more]
"Murah meriah dan cepat saji". [read more]
For me this place is perfect. Less people, more satisfaction. Even better you still get the best treatment like in any other movie theater even tough - I believe - this place is the cheapest.. [read more]
Nonton bioskop serasa nyata. Manteb. . Great compliment for this new experience. Jos gandos,g usah adoh adoh d sby. [read more]
One of the earliest night club in town. The night club then also offers movie goers with its small cinema. They have 3 small studios that open every day. [read more]
Stasiun TV nasional yg Bercabang di Kabupaten pacitan , Mengangkat Elemen elemen Lokal Yg terdapat Di Daerah Pacitan Sekitarnya. Wong pacitan Nonton JTV pacitan. [read more]
Nyaman. . Deket ma tmp makan. . Tepat disebelah jln raya. . Deket POM bensin. . Jd gl bingung klo lg laper dll. . . Tempat enak dan nyaman dan koneksinya sangat cepat. [read more]
They got the cheapest tickets in this town. But need energies to go upstairs. If you bring motor cycle and watching the last show, park ur bike inside the building. [read more]
Another Cheapest movie theater but located in the center of Surabaya. You'll find low ceiling building here, average to low sound system, standard sofa and others. [read more]
Alhamdulillah sehat semuanya rek. [read more]
Rental film di Pasuruan dengan private room. Toko alat bahan meubel. [read more]
okay, let me say this is a legend cinema of jember city. year by year have been passed. so many improvement that i've been feel it. But. . The movie is always not according to me. [read more]
warung mbak rin (Permanently Closed) is a movie theater, located at ds kacangan desa, Dukuhagung, Tikung, Kabupaten Lamongan, Jawa Timur 62281. They can be contacted via phone at +62.. [read more]
Perlu apresiasi yg lebih sangat bagus dan jarang ada. Madura skrg lbh berkembang. . . . khususnya soal cegah peredaran gelap narkoba. . . . . [read more]
Kantor cabang perwakilan tv berlangganan di jember. [read more]
Still 21 Need improvement for sound Strategic place near juanda international airport Near to free way. Cozy place , economical price. Use M-Tix for easy ticket buying. [read more]
Telah dialih fungsikan menjadi gudang salah satu penerbit. enak sekali buat nongkrong. . Kenangan yang tak pernah terlupakan dirumah ini,tempat ak dibesarkan oleh orang tuaku. [read more]
NickLaptop is a movie theater, located at B, Jl. Gubeng Kertajaya IX F No. 3-11, Airlangga, Gubeng, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60286. They can be contacted via phone at +62 31 5033333 for more.. [read more]
Teater satu-satunya di IAIN TA. [read more]
K2 UIN Maliki, JL. Gajayana, No. 50, Ketawanggede, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang. [read more]
Tempat favorit buat nonton. Nggak senengnya, suka rame sama bocah norak yang maenan HP di dalem bioskop. males banget. mestinya ada peringatan buat jangan maenan HP di bioskop lah. [read more]
Tempat pengecatan dengan kualitas yg bagus. Pengecatan motor dengan aneka gambar menarik menggunakan airbrush. [read more]
Alun alun tempat banyak kegiatan. [read more]