Tempatnya luas. Banyak menambah pengetahuan tentang predator khususnya buaya. Ada kolam renang juga. Asyik buat anakยฒ yg ingin berenang, juga ada area bermain trampolin. [read more]
A good place to enjoy time with family. Swimming pools with variety of depth, flower park among antique houses, live music and cafetaria. Muslim prayer is also available. [read more]
Yang suka benar benar latihan berenang langsung aja kesini. Luas dan bersih. Datang pas hari Rabu untuk mendapatkan air paling bersih. Banyak pelatih yang standby. [read more]
kalau mau bikin iklan dan brosur. [read more]
Area parkir luas, jauh dari kebisingan, area kolam luas ada 3 lokasi namun sayang kolam untuk dewasa belum tersedia. . pepohonan kurang jd terasa panas saat siang hari. [read more]
Tempat ini enak untuk digunakan ajang berkumpul dengan teman atupun keluarga. Karena di sini sangatlah sejuk dan terdapat banyak sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung. [read more]
We can see the Surabaya Madura bridge from the beach plus a temple, and some seafood stalls by the beach. good place to wasted a time. We can see beach. [read more]
Good enough for swim. Usually, many children here than adults people. . Tenang. Bagus. Cuma tidak ada waterboomnya. Tiket masuk 7 ribu. Mueah meriah. Tempat luas. [read more]
Saya dengan keluarga datang sekitar jam 9 pagi. Kolamnya lumayan buat main anak2. Yg pikin salut, isteri saya beli snak di kantin. Begitu dibuka snacknya sdh bau apek. [read more]
Cocok buat nyenangin anak bermain air. Tempat makan suasana asri. Tempat ny nyaman dan sejuk. [read more]
Tempatnya seru untuk rekreasi wisata air, kolamnya bersih, wahananya seru, ada pengawas kolamnya jadi ndak khawatir, biaya murah. Kolam renang yg mumer. [read more]
Disana nyaman sekali bersama teman teman sdn pakis 1 pingin lagi kesana tapi nunggu ujian tengah semester. Sekarang kolam renang ini sudah tutup. Sungguh sangat disayangkan. [read more]
Lokasi Parkir yang luas dan nyaman, Terdapat Selter Bus yang khusus untuk pengunjung yang berkendara dengan motor. . . Luas dan bagus๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐. Lokasi parkir luas & nyaman. [read more]
Small local swimming pool, ok for kids. . . entrance is 7. 000 rupiah. Kolam renang khusus anak anak. Recom buat anak2 Anda yg tercinta. . [read more]
This is the one city park in East side of Situbondo. There are play ground for children, gymnastic equipment & library for public. . Public Place to hang out with family, children is safe here. [read more]
Tripadvisor needs a category above the current 5 stars. Its really difficult to find faulty with Segera, so I will focus purely on what I liked about this special place. [read more]
A dike with beautiful sunset at it, and you just need to pay for parking (2000 rupiahs). Also you can go there with car or motorcycle, and kinda picnic place. [read more]
Karena ada beberapa perbedaan dari sebelumnya. . [read more]
Isi waktu libur. . . . [read more]
Not bad. Good if you want to release your stress here. It's clean waterpark and cheapest ticket. All of you should try to play in the gumul paradise island. [read more]
Bagus bagus permainannya. Tempat bermain modern dan menyenangkan. [read more]
Nice place to visit with family and friends. We can enjoy to learn swimming. I had a great time while I visited there. . I will give you 5 stars if you make the changing, toilet, and washing.. [read more]
pelayananya bagus ramah harga ikan koinya pun terjangko walsupun akses jalan agak membuat saya bingung tapi terbayarkan dengan pelayananya dan ikan koinya yg saya anggap memuaskan. [read more]
Mancing, strike, mantap. [read more]
Bisalah dicoba kesana. Persiapan kegiatan PHBS. [read more]
Monumen Ayam Jago is an amusement park, located at Jl. Iman Bonjol No. 24, Pamolokan, Kotasumenep, Kabupaten Sumenep, Jawa Timur 69412. They can be contacted via phone at +62 328 6666225 for.. [read more]
Salah satu pesona wisata lokal andalan Kabupaten Nganjuk yang menurut saya bersifat: ๐ Artistik ๐ Edukatif ๐ Kreatif Selain menyediakan berbagai macam permainan khas taman kota, ada.. [read more]
good to bring your kids here because a lot of water playing venues. the tsunami pool is recommended, two thumbs up. this waterprk is located in Perumahan Graha Kencana, near Bentoel Cigarette.. [read more]
RGB family gathering. Best physiotherapist in Kediri! Sometimes he become opportunist to sell his expensive medicine. . This place offers restaurant, fishing spot, and tennis area. [read more]
taman kota yang sangat strategis. Berada di jalur lintas kota. Dekat dengan sarana transportasi umum, tempat yang cocok untuk berlibur dengan keluarga, teman, sahabat, dan orang-orang terdekat. [read more]
Gapura masuk areal wisata trawas. Asyik buat liburan. Gak terlalu jauh. Udara sejuk. . gateli. . cok soro golek ane. [read more]
โข One of the free public places in Jember. โข Provide a playing ground for kids. โข There is a food-court. โข Provide some restrooms. โข Provide jogging-track and basketball arena. [read more]
Good Place to take your family to go water recreation. It has also sport pool, and it's large. But sometimes the water is not good and dirty. . Quite enough area in main Street of North Java. [read more]
Located inside the Taman Dayu, very comfortable water park. There are two main pools, once for kiddo and the other 150 cm deep. It costs 25000 Rupiah for weekday meanwhile at weekend it will be.. [read more]
we can get some fresh air and beautiful scenery. children like this place so much because there are so many funny animals and playground s. It is a good place for our children. [read more]
semoga tempat ini semakin indah dan ramah bagi masyarakat Tulungagung dan sekitarnya. . bahkan bagi warga luar kota bisa terkesan dan terkenang di tempat pemandangan nan luas ini. [read more]