Tempat yang nyaman. . bebas dari keramaian dengan udara segar dari selatan khas Tulungagung. Bebas wifi bagi pengguna kost. . dengan halaman parkir yang nyaman. [read more]
Mm Tour & Travel is a travel agency, located at Jalan Raya Lidah Kulon, Jeruk, Lakarsantri, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60213. They can be contacted via phone at +62 31 7523835 for more detailed information. [read more]
Jual beli mobil bekas berkualitas. BELI MOTOR BEKAS DI LENY MOTOR SHOP HEMAT BERGARANSI. [read more]
EF-EL SERVICE TUKANG SOLDER TV is a doctor, located at Ledok kemirisewu kecamatan Pandaan, Kemiri Sewu, Pandaan, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67156. They can be contacted via phone at +62 857-5511-2256.. [read more]
Suzuki HSMG (Permanently Closed) is a car dealer, located at Jl. Raden Intan, Polowijen, Blimbing, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65125. They can be contacted via phone at +62 341 400765 for more.. [read more]
Tukang Gigi "sae" is a dentist, located at Jl. Merdeka No. 158, Sukorejo, Kota Blitar, Jawa Timur 66121. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-3368-934 for more detailed information. [read more]
Iponk Servis is a car repair, located at Jl. Raya Borobudur No. 128, Bendogerit, Sananwetan, Kota Blitar, Jawa Timur 66133. They can be contacted via phone at +62 342 7717010 for more.. [read more]
Always like this place l, you can ride a horse. Ride speedboat, eat satay and bakso. Nice wheather. Always here every years celebrating aidil fitri with family. [read more]
Wisma Rias Bu Elok is a beauty salon, located at Jl. Bagawanta Bari No. 493, Gogorante, Ngasem, Kediri, Jawa Timur 64182. They can be contacted via phone at +62 857-4805-2091 for more.. [read more]
Tamannya kecil. Tapi sejuk. Untuk istirahat sangat cocok. Taman kebun binatang Gudang Garam dekat lapangan Golf dan pasar unit 8. [read more]
Grosir Sepatu Dan Sandal is a shoe store, located at Brangkal, Sooko, Mojokerto, East Java 61361. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-3466-5887 for more detailed information. [read more]
Padang Depot is a restaurant, located at JL. Masjid, No. 7, Kauman, Kepanjen Kidul, Kauman, Kepanjenkidul, Kota Blitar, Jawa Timur 66117. They can be contacted via phone at +62 342 806667 for.. [read more]
Mantezy Salon is a beauty salon, located at JL. Terusan Sigura-Gura D-87, Karangbesuki, Sukun, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65149. They can be contacted via phone at +62 341 562887 for more.. [read more]
Sebuah mahakarya yg menghubungkan desa-desa di timur sungai dengan ibukota kecamatan shg layanan publik semakin mudah dijangkau. Dan keharmonisan silaturahmi semakin kental karena jarak yg dekat. [read more]
Puspa Tailor is a clothing store, located at Jl. Sultan Agung No. 107, Ketanggi, Kec. Ngawi, Kabupaten Ngawi, Jawa Timur 63211. They can be contacted via phone at +62 351 79056 for more.. [read more]
Tempat belanja sarana pertanian yang nyaman. Tempat belanja sarana pertanian. Tempat yg bagus untuk mencari kebutuhan pertanian kota. [read more]
Harga memang bisa bersaing. . Bisa grosiran pula βΊπ Barangnya lengkap Aku suka belanja ditoko ini Mau cari Furniture apa aja ada. Furniture yg komplit dan berkwalitas. [read more]
One of my fave parks in Surabaya. Large, good view, any playground for children, and some other facilities, make me feel comfort to be here. I could hunt photos here, like flower, city view,.. [read more]
Tempatnya strategis dipinggir jalan utama, sajian kuliner khas madura,jawa timuran & masakan khas arab tersaji diwaktu petang hingga malam hari. Small office with many Arabian staff. [read more]
Untuk saat ini, adalah indomart satu-satunya di mangaran. sangat terbantu untuk masyarakat di daerah desa. . Dekat sama rumah dan tidak membingungkan dalam miih belanjaan. [read more]
tempat biasa nyegat bis antar kota arah tulungagung via kertosono. . . Saran agar teller ditambah lagi karena kalau terlalu ramai antrinya panjang. . [read more]
Tempat kumpul bareng anak anak filkom. Semester 2 full disini. [read more]
Tailor Anda is a clothing store, located at Jl. Kopral Soetomo 309, Karanganyar, Ambulu, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68172. They can be contacted via phone at +62 331 3528412 for more.. [read more]
Pondok Pesantren Al Fata is a school, located at Bilapora Rebba, Lenteng, Banaresep Tim. , Lenteng, Kabupaten Sumenep, Jawa Timur 69461. They can be contacted via phone at +62 328 7701945 for.. [read more]
Nice and its good for hangout with your friends, just plz keep improving for the parking area. That would be better. . Nice caffe and lovely service. . [read more]
Parlindo is a travel agency, located at JL. Arif Rahman Hakim Keniten, Ruko II Perumda Rt. 000/000, Keniten, Kec. Ponorogo, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur 63412. [read more]
Sumber Sarana Unggas. CV is a veterinary care, located at JL. Jend Gatot Subroto, No. 9 B, Klojen, Jodipan, Blimbing, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur. They can be contacted via phone at +62 857-8666-2494.. [read more]
LKP Becc is a school, located at JL. Pamenang, No. 87 RT. 02/01, Sukorejo, Ngasem, Kediri, East Java 64182. They can be contacted via phone at +62 354 546176 for more detailed information. [read more]
Antrian lumayan banyak. Pelayanan pun lumayan cepat. ππ. Ada layanan samsat drive thru, lebih mudah dan cepat bayar pajak kendaraan bermotor. . Tempat dinas pertama saya π. [read more]
Cozy place, Easy to find. . Fair Price and we have test drive car before make any decision Fully Recomended. tempat yang strategis dan nyaman terima kasih. [read more]
Fast Repair is an electronics store, located at Jl. Hasyim Asyari No. 13, Pulo Lor, Kec. Jombang, Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur 61419. They can be contacted via phone at +62 321 6228708 for.. [read more]
Alwiyah Bakery is a bakery, located at Jl. Mayjend Sungkono No. 195, Pulo Lor, Kec. Jombang, Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur 61419. They can be contacted via phone at +62 815-1594-1462 for.. [read more]
Safirah Collection Sumber Rejeki is a clothing store, located at JL. KH. Hasyim Asy'ari, No. 40, Mojosongo, Pulo Lor, Kec. Jombang, Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur 61419. [read more]
Zintaa Frozen is a store, located at Jl. Kabupaten No. 84, Bugih, Kec. Pamekasan, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur 69317. They can be contacted via phone at +62 878-5055-1285 for more.. [read more]
Perumahan bebas banjir, jalan nya lebar, warganya baik dan ramah, serta religius. Relatif aman dibandingkan dengan perumahan disekitarnya. Cukup adem untuk ukuran perumahan. [read more]
Di jual honda bit thn 2014 plat tbn hrg 11 jt nego. . [read more]