Kami merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang percepatan pertumbuhan bisnis melalui pendekatan Coaching, Training, dan Mentoring. Cataliz berkomitmen dalam membantu pengembangan startup,.. [read more]
CV Hero Mandiri merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan barang dan jasa. Seperti peranti lunak, Notebook, Laptop, PC Dekstop. Finger print, CCTV, Lcd Proyektor, Printer,.. [read more]
PT. Dwimanunggal Karya Indonesia (Dwimanunggal Filter Group) is an industrial filter company based in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. We produce and distribute various types of industrial.. [read more]
Creative Media merupakan perusahaan Digital Agency & IT Consultant di Surabaya. Kami berfokus pada Computer Course & Training, Branding & Design, Web Development & Mobile Apps Development. [read more]
Ciputra World Surabaya (Mall) which was officially open on 22 July 2011 is located in the most prestigious superblock at the gate of west Surabaya in Mayjend Sungkono. [read more]
We are an Indonesian trading company which was founded based on the awareness of the high potential in the palm oil fruit. We realized that not only we can use the oil but we can use the waste of.. [read more]
We are a startup creative agency company with a mission to make UMKM business has a website for the most optimal digital marketing technology. Our services range from Management Consultant,.. [read more]
Dengan dukungan AI, temukan influencer yang paling tepat untuk bisnismu berkembang. Tim kami siap membangun projekmu. Our services:- Endorsment- Paid Promote- Custom project. [read more]
The Company Deliver highest quality of fresh and frozen fish product such as Ribbon Fish (Ikan Layur), Tuna, Skipjack and based on the request with competitive price. [read more]
Building with heart. [read more]
PT. Cakrawala Service Resolusindo a. k. a Cleaning Service Residental (CSR Cleaning ). Previously Berkat Lancar Sejahtera 2013-2019. Didirikan Oleh Bapak Edbert Harris, S. [read more]
PT CARA TANI DIGITAL atau Caratani adalah perusahaan berbasis teknologi digital yang bergerak menjadi penyedia pendidikan non formal di bidang pertanian dan subsektornya. [read more]
DUNIA AKADEMISI adalah lembaga resmi berdasarkan keputusan menteri Hukum dan HAM nomor AHU-0021194. AH. 01. 04 tahun 2021. Kami merupakan tempat belajar dan berbagi bersama seputar dunia.. [read more]
Certeza Parfum is a company, located at Surabaya, East Java. [read more]
Hi! We're a Social Media Marketing Agency based in Surabaya. We provided services such as Social Media Management, Instagram Ads Management, Content Creation (Product Photography,.. [read more]
Bricon is AAC Block lightweight brick that has the best quality and is manufactured using innovative technology since 2013. [read more]
All about printing. [read more]
Flicka lokal brand kesayangan pioneer tas inovatif dengan harga yang sangat kompetitif Kenapa Flicka? Flicka adalah local brand dengan 100% tenaga kerja Indonesia yang berbasis di Sidoarjo,.. [read more]
CV. Cortheo. [read more]
Mama Bear adalah salah satu brand produk makanan dan minuman pelancar asi terbaik dan terbukti ampuh memperlancar ASI. Mama Bear diproduksi menggunakan bahan-bahan herbal dengan kualitas tinggi. [read more]
The leading supplier of Authentic Arabica, Robusta and Excelsa Indonesian Coffee BeansHere at Coffee MDPL we collaborate with small-scale coffee growers. [read more]
Creativision Indonesia is a company, located at 11A Jalan Permata Jingga, Malang, East Java 65143. [read more]
Crypinfo is an information medium about crypto and blockchain that was formed in March 2022 that focuses on providing fact-based information. Crypinfo publishes news and educational content to.. [read more]
CV Cokro Bersatu merupakan produsen dan toko roti dengan produk unggulan Bluder Cokro. Berdiri sejak tahun 1989 hingga saat kini dan terus berinovasi dalam produk, pelayanan, dan pengembangan.. [read more]
Our mission is described in four main point, (1) Improving the competence and performance of KUMKM human resources, (2) Improve and develop various models of education and training, (3).. [read more]
Uskinlab, a Local Skincare, BPOM Certified, not only Glowing, but Healthy Your Skin !Luxn "Premium Luxury Bag for Her"Lubake " Artisanal donut, craft with Love". [read more]
Divisi El-Cobra (Electrical Control Brawijaya) dibentuk sebagai jawaban mahasiswa Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawijaya dari perkembangan dunia industri yang sudah serba otomatis. [read more]
CNC & Laser Cutting, Industrial Part, Fabrication & General SupplierMembangun bisnis dan asset produktif secara terintegrasi, membuat kepuasan pelanggan , sehingga kepercayaan tumbuh dan.. [read more]
Pusat Studi dan Layanan Disabilitas Universitas Brawijaya adalah lembaga layanan dan kajian disabilitas di bawah naungan Universitas Brawijaya. Lembaga ini didirikan pada 2012 dan.. [read more]
Cravmedia adalah digital media platform di Indonesia yang menghadirkan informasi, berita dan hiburan untuk milenial dan gen z. . [read more]
A digital art studio under PT. Yabara Asia International. We are specialized in handling 2D illustration works, including 2D illustration, webcomic, and NFT (future plan). [read more]
A food manufacturing company focuses on baking the best cookies for hotel, coffee shop, and many more!. [read more]
Welcome to Nuna Nanu Store, a clothing brand where you can find yourself through fashion. We are here to serve comfiness through sweater and our signature designed can meet your expectations of Joy. [read more]
University of Muhammadiyah Malang's Computer Security Incident Response Team Handles cyber security incidents that are will be occured and/or occuring. [read more]
Provide Your Creative Needs :- Touring Documentary- Engagement & Wedding Celebration- Company Profile- Mini Party- Product Launching & Branding. [read more]
Perusaahan yang bergerak dalam aspek sebagai berikut Konsultan Perizinan Lingkungan, Konsultan Amdal, Konsultan & Jasa Pembuatan Ipal, Treatment & Maintenance Stp/Wtp/Wwtp, General.. [read more]