Alvindayucom, located at Jalan Brigadir Jenderal Katamso, Pakusari Village/Sub District, Jember District, Jawa Timur 68181. [read more]
Alfamart Kertosari Jember is a store, located at Jalan Brigadir Jenderal Katamso, Pakusari Village/Sub District, Jember District, East Java 68181. [read more]
Warung Haninda is a restaurant, located at Jalan Raya Ijen, Sumberwringin Village/Sub District, Bondowoso District, Jawa Timur 68287. [read more]
Depot Ma'Yam is a restaurant, located at Jalan Raya Pakong, Waru Village/Sub District, Pamekasan District, Jawa Timur 69353. [read more]
Warung Al Husna is a restaurant, located at Sreseh Village/Sub District, Sampang District, Jawa Timur 69273. [read more]
MTSS Tm Islamiyah is a school, located at Omben Village/Sub District, Sampang District, Jawa Timur 69291. [read more]
SDI Al-Irtidoiyah is a school, located at Kedungdung Village/Sub District, Sampang District, Jawa Timur 69291. [read more]
SMA Negeri 1 Kerek is a school, located at Kerek Village/Sub District, Tuban District, East Java 62356. [read more]
Kantor Kepala Desa Mayangkawis, located at Jalan Balen-Sugihwaras, Balen Village/Sub District, Bojonegoro District, Jawa Timur 62182. [read more]
LabSoal merupakan aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk memfasilitasi peserta ujian dalam mendapatkan latihan soal sekaligus pembahasan untuk menghadapi Real Tes, Kami memiliki Jutaan Bank Soal. [read more]
lauseng shop 2 is a company, located at 186 Jalan Raya Mastrip, Surabaya, East Java 60222. [read more]
Laboratorium Teknologi Kapal Digital adalah salah satu laboratorium yang berada di Departemen Teknik Perkapalan FTK ITS. Laboratorium ini memiliki fokus riset di bidang implementasi teknologi.. [read more]
LBD Organizer merupakan small business yang bergerak di bidang retail, industri kreatif, dan travel agency dengan empat bidang usaha, yaitu Toko Kamera Lapak Bang Doel, LBD Poultry and Petshoop. [read more]
Laraskita is a community that pursues social justice for children and women. . [read more]
LSP P1 Universitas Negeri Malang is a company, located at 5 Jalan Semarang, Malang, East Java 65145. [read more]
Penginapan Syariah99, located at Jalan Raya Jabung Mlarak, Mlarak Village/Sub District, Ponorogo District, Jawa Timur 63472. [read more]
LPPAPSI merupakan pengembangan dari organisasi Pusat Pengembangan Akuntansi (PPA) setelah disesuaikan dengan kondisi lingkungan internal dan eksternal yang berkembang saat ini. [read more]
A community where students and mentors can meet to learn together. . [read more]
Lembaga Ilmiah (LI), adalah organisasi mahasiswa internal di FH UNEJ yang berfokus pada diskusi dan penulisan ilmiah. Adapaun yang menjadi target diskusinya adalah permasalahan-permasalahan.. [read more]
Hubungi : 081252727477, alamat toko jual vitamale hwi asli di surabaya terima cod pesan antar pembayaran ditempatAPA ITU VITAMALE HWI ?Vitamale HWI adalah obat kuat natural yang dikhususkan.. [read more]
Bon Bon Kahve is a restaurant, located at Jalan Raya Tuliskriyo, Sanankulon Village/Sub District, Kota Blitar District, East Java 66151. [read more]
MAS Assulaimaniyyah is a school, located at Jalan Raya Sumberboto, Mojoagung Village/Sub District, Jombang District, Jawa Timur 61482. [read more]
SMP Bala Keselamatan Mojoagung is a school, located at Jalan Raya Sumberboto, Mojoagung Village/Sub District, Jombang District, Jawa Timur 61482. [read more]
SDN Karangwinongan 02 is a school, located at Mojoagung Village/Sub District, Jombang District, Jawa Timur 61482. [read more]
Super Oyo 91568 Trisna Srabah Resort Homestay & Resto is a lodging, located at Jalan Srabah, Kauman Village/Sub District, Tulungagung District, Jawa Timur 66261. [read more]
Nasi Lodho Bu Sri is a restaurant, located at Jalan Dusun Kebunduren, Kauman Sub DistrictTulungagung District, , Jawa Timur 66261. [read more]
SDN 1 Agel is a school, located at Jangkar Village/Sub District, Situbondo District, Jawa Timur 68372. [read more]
Lapangan Ploso Kidul, located at Jalan Pare-Wates, Plosoklaten Village/Sub District, Kediri District, Jawa Timur 64175. [read more]
Masjid Ar-Rachmad is a mosque, located at Plosoklaten Village/Sub District, Kediri District, East Java 64175. [read more]
Warung Makan Ngopi is a restaurant, located at Jalan Pare-Wates, Plosoklaten Village/Sub District, Kediri District, Jawa Timur 64175. [read more]
Kertawijaya Homestay, located at Trowulan Village/Sub District, Mojokerto District, East Java 61362. [read more]
Candi Wringinlawang is a tourist attraction, located at Trowulan Sub DistrictMojokerto District, , Jawa Timur 61362. [read more]
Oyo 3799 Telo Resort is a lodging, located at Purwodadi Village/Sub District, Pasuruan District, East Java 67163. [read more]
MI Miftahul Muna Prambon is a school, located at Prambon Village/Sub District, Nganjuk District, Jawa Timur 64484. [read more]
Dormitory Tourism Mirah is a lodging, located at Jalan Banyuwangi Jember, Gambiran Sub DistrictBanyuwangi District, , Jawa Timur 68486. [read more]
Batik Muthidea is a museum, located at Jalan Panglima Sudirman, Gondanglegi Village/Sub District, Malang District, Jawa Timur 65174. [read more]