Kampoeng Duren is a tourist attraction, located at Cluwak Village/Sub District, Pati District, Jawa Tengah 59157. [read more]
Kampung Senatah Gadungan is a tourist attraction, located at Ngargoyoso Sub DistrictKaranganyar District, , Jawa Tengah 57793. [read more]
Ayana Gedong Songo is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Gedong Songo, Ungaran Barat Village/Sub District, Semarang District, Jawa Tengah 50513. [read more]
Umbul Temple is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Candi Umbul, Grabag Village/Sub District, Magelang District, Jawa Tengah 56196. [read more]
Sendangcoyo Lasem is a tourist attraction, located at Lasem Village/Sub District, Rembang District, Jawa Tengah 59271. [read more]
Bukit Asmara Situk is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Wanayasa Banjarmangu, Banjarmangu Village/Sub District, Banjarnegara District, Jawa Tengah 53452. [read more]
Kotayasa Mysterious Road is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Raya Baturaden Timur, Sumbang Village/Sub District, Banyumas District, Jawa Tengah 53183. [read more]
Jami' Lasem Mosque is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Sunan Bonang, Lasem Village/Sub District, Rembang District, Jawa Tengah 59271. [read more]
Lasem Square is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Eyang Sambu, Lasem Village/Sub District, Rembang District, Jawa Tengah 59271. [read more]
Gie Yong Bio Temple is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Untung Suropati 7, Lasem Village/Sub District, Rembang District, Jawa Tengah 59271. [read more]
Vermi Universal is a tourist attraction, located at Ambal Village/Sub District, Kebumen District, Jawa Tengah 54392. [read more]
Gajah Mungkur Reservoir is a tourist attraction, located at Wonogiri District, Central Java 57615. [read more]
Kampung Djowo Sekatul is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Kumbang, Limbangan Village/Sub District, Kendal District, Jawa Tengah 51383. [read more]
Sam Po Kong Temple is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Lamongan Raya, Gajah Mungkur Village/Sub District, Semarang District, Jawa Tengah 50232. [read more]
Sojiwan Temple is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Kebondalem Kidul, Kota Prambanan Village/Sub District, Klaten District, Jawa Tengah 57454. [read more]
Taman Angkasa is a tourist attraction, located at Banyumas District, Central Java 53192. [read more]
Tomb Of Sunan Muria is a tourist attraction, located at Dawe Village/Sub District, Kudus District, Jawa Tengah 59353. [read more]
Monumen Pesawat Terbang is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Jaya Sirayu, Banyumas District, Jawa Tengah 53192. [read more]
Lembu Suro Statue is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Pandanaran, Boyolali District, Central Java 57313. [read more]
Akademi Kombas is a tourist attraction, located at Karanglewas Village/Sub District, Banyumas District, Jawa Tengah 53161. [read more]
Kombas Digital Internasional is a tourist attraction, located at Karanglewas Village/Sub District, Banyumas District, Jawa Tengah 53161. [read more]
Serene place, until bunch of local dangdut came to 'entertain' tourist. This place supposedly sacred. There's lots of monkeys playing around. The word umbul itself means spring. [read more]
Goa Lowo Dan Goa Macan is a tourist attraction, located at Grobogan District, Central Java 58152. [read more]
Hotel Wisata Bentang Van Der Wijck is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Kesatrian, Gombong Village/Sub District, Kebumen District, Jawa Tengah 54351. [read more]
Candi Macanan is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Kyai Arif, Bandongan Village/Sub District, Magelang District, Jawa Tengah 56151. [read more]
Obyek Wisata Pantai Kartini Jepara is a tourist attraction, located at Jalan Pelabuhan, Jepara District, Central Java 59418. [read more]
Visiting this place is a must for everyone who likes snorkeling and travelling in nature. Not just its underwater view, its land itself should be explored. [read more]
Nice privately owned beach. Entrance fee was 10000 rupiahs. I would suggest to the owners to clean the whole beach not just the sand stretch which was not the case today. [read more]
One of must visit placed if come to karimun jawa, due to theres an iconic “karimun jawa” statue. This placed is a higher placed or located at the hill, but not to far from city center. [read more]
The first version of the myth of Prince Samudra from the Sragen government mentions that Prince Samudra is the son of the last king of Majapahit who became a convert, da'i, and very much loved by.. [read more]
Menara Kudus Mosque was founded by Sunan Kudus. The holy minaret mosque was founded by Sunan Kudus in 1549 AD or in 956 Hijriyah. It is said that this building uses the Baitul Maqdis stone.. [read more]
Liburan lebih berwarna lagi dengan sukawisata,soalnya gaet-gaetnya sangat gokil-gokil dan heboh banget bareng sukawisata. . Agen travel Sukawisata rekomended buat yang suka jalan-jalan. [read more]
Air tejun niagara,tempat ini sangat pas jika anda berkunjung ketika air pasang, dan jernih, karna di situlah letak keindahannya, anda akan melihat keindahan dari sudut bawah. [read more]
gereja kristen yang cukup tua di kota magelang. suasana yg tenang sangat mendukung peribadatan. mudah di capai dengan kendaraan pribadi ataupun transportasi umum. [read more]
a great place to practice warfare with rules so that we will look stupid and have no strategy when fighting, the equipment is not as we imagined the shot missed from the vision, still good with.. [read more]
Indonesian World Record Museum or MURI (formerly Indonesian Record Museum) (Javanese: ꦩꦸꦱꦶꦪꦸꦩ꧀ ꦫꦺꦏꦺꦴꦂ ꦢꦺꦴꦚ ꦆꦤ꧀ꦢꦺꦴꦤꦺꦱꦶꦪ, translit. Musiyum Rékor Donya Indonesia) is a museum provided by Jaya Suprana. [read more]