Studio Photo Kusuma, located at Karanganom Village/Sub District, Klaten District, Central Java 57475. [read more]
Bengkel Motor Bang Anton, located at Karangpandan Village/Sub District, Karanganyar District, Central Java 57791. [read more]
Nasgor & Belut Penyet Mbak Yan is a restaurant, located at Jalan Mawar, Banjarsari Village/Sub District, Surakarta District, Jawa Tengah 57139. [read more]
De Capucino Batan is a restaurant, located at Jalan Pekunden Tengah, Semarang Selatan Village/Sub District, Semarang District, Jawa Tengah 50241. [read more]
Toko Listrik Cahaya Berkah, located at Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Gubug Village/Sub District, Grobogan District, Jawa Tengah 58164. [read more]
SMK Tiara is a school, located at Gembong Village/Sub District, Pati District, Central Java 59162. [read more]
Klinik Pratama Deva Medika is a hospital, located at Jalan Raya Pati Juwana, Gabus Village/Sub District, Pati District, Jawa Tengah 59173. [read more]
Mts Al-Muhariyyah, located at Guntur Village/Sub District, Demak District, Central Java 59565. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-2669-649 for more detailed information. [read more]
SDN 1 Kaliombo is a school, located at Sulang Village/Sub District, Rembang District, Jawa Tengah 59254. [read more]
SD Negeri 1 Banjarkerta is a school, located at Karanganyar Village/Sub District, Purbalingga District, Jawa Tengah 53354. [read more]
SMP Ya Bakii I Kesuguhan is a school, located at Jalan Raya Kesugihan, Kesugihan Village/Sub District, Cilacap District, Jawa Tengah 53274. [read more]
SDN 07 Bumi Jawa is a school, located at Bumijawa Sub DistrictKota Tegal District, , Jawa Tengah 52466. [read more]
SDN 3 Cranggang is a school, located at Dawe Village/Sub District, Kudus District, Jawa Tengah 59353. [read more]
Pertamini Warung Es Degan Ragil Raya, located at Masaran Village/Sub District, Sragen District, Jawa Tengah 57282. [read more]
Mie Ayam & Bakso Mas Brow is a restaurant, located at Masaran Village/Sub District, Sragen District, Central Java 57282. [read more]
PAUD KB Roudlotul Ulum is a school, located at Todanan Village/Sub District, Blora District, Jawa Tengah 58256. [read more]
Bakso & Mie Ayam Pak Zahra is a restaurant, located at Todanan Village/Sub District, Blora District, Central Java 58256. They can be contacted via phone at +62 853-2628-6382 for more.. [read more]
SDN Ayam Alas 01 is a school, located at Jalan Gajah, Kroya Village/Sub District, Cilacap District, Jawa Tengah 53282. [read more]
KB Multi Rahayu is a school, located at Jalan Wonosobo Kebumen, Prembun Village/Sub District, Kebumen District, Jawa Tengah 54394. [read more]
Bakso Mie Ayam Ijo is a restaurant, located at Jalan Megulung-Pituruh, Pituruh Village/Sub District, Purworejo District, Jawa Tengah 54263. [read more]
RM Jawa Lesehan is a restaurant, located at Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, Pageruyung Village/Sub District, Kendal District, Jawa Tengah 51361. [read more]
Mie Ayam & Bakso Raosin'3 is a restaurant, located at Jalan Raya Buntu, Kemranjen Village/Sub District, Banyumas District, Central Java 53194. [read more]
SDN 01 Malebo is a school, located at Jalan Kandangan-Jumo, Kandangan Village/Sub District, Temanggung District, Jawa Tengah 56281. [read more]
Warung Mas Arya is a restaurant, located at Jaken Village/Sub District, Pati District, Central Java 59184. [read more]
Warung Ayam Bakar Goreng Rica Rica Bebek Syar'i is a restaurant, located at Serengan Village/Sub District, Surakarta District, Jawa Tengah 57155. [read more]
Tawakal Satu Tailor, located at Sambungmacan Village/Sub District, Sragen District, Central Java 57253. [read more]
Pondok Makan Harmony is a restaurant, located at Wanasari Village/Sub District, Brebes District, Central Java 52252. [read more]
Edolas Coffee Shop, located at Jalan Wonosobo-Prembun, Kaliwiro Village/Sub District, Wonosobo District, Jawa Tengah 56364. [read more]
Toko Sembako Barokah 2, located at Jalan Karangdowo-Daleman, Karangdowo Village/Sub District, Klaten District, Jawa Tengah 57472. [read more]
Depot Es Degan Raffa is a restaurant, located at Karangdowo Village/Sub District, Klaten District, Central Java 57464. [read more]
BANK BRI Unit Pendowo, located at Jalan Panembahan Senopati, Purwodadi Village/Sub District, Purworejo District, Jawa Tengah 54173. [read more]
MI Maarif N Pagergunung is a school, located at Pakis Village/Sub District, Magelang District, Jawa Tengah 56193. [read more]
Ayam Goreng Batibul is a restaurant, located at Jalan Raya Ujungsari, Adiwerna Village/Sub District, Tegal District, Jawa Tengah 52194. [read more]
SDN 3 Kedunggede is a school, located at Lumbir Village/Sub District, Banyumas District, Jawa Tengah 53177. [read more]
Esa Jaya Gypsum, located at Jalan Raya Kawunganten, Kawungganten Village/Sub District, Cilacap District, Jawa Tengah 53253. [read more]
Bukit Sikrikil is a park, located at Wadas Lintang 1 Village/Sub District, Wonosobo District, Central Java 56365. [read more]