As a Microsoft partner we have the high standard to deliver the best service to our clients in consultancy, implementation and supporting their Microsoft Dynamics ERP system. [read more]
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liyoskin cream adalah merk kosmetik perawatan dalam paket terdiri dari krim siang krim malam dan sabun , CV. Nossin Indonesia adalah yang memproduksi produk ini, liyoskin exclusive di pasarkan.. [read more]
Membantumu mendapatkan pekerjaan. . . IG : @lokerdongkirim CV ke : lokerdong@gmail. com. [read more]
Lavoscca stands for La Vostra Zucca, intentionally means "Your Pumpkin". Have you ever heard or watched the most wonderful folktale, Cinderella? You are amazed by the pumpkin, aren't you? Of.. [read more]
Lapak Mall is a company, located at Bekasi, Jawa Barat 11180. [read more]
LBH "Pengayoman" pertama kali dibentuk pada tahun 1968 dengan nama Biro Konsultasi dan Bantuan Hukum (BKBH) atas gagasan dari Dazril Effendi yang merupakan bagian dari Senat Fakultas Hukum UNPAR.. [read more]
LISUNG AGRO is a company, located at Bandung, West Java. [read more]
test. [read more]
LPT Saraswati is a company, located at Bogor, West Java. [read more]
LD Projects is a creative construction company. Providing services such as Design & Build, Interior Design, Furniture Fabrication. . [read more]
Bags and Accessories. [read more]
Share inpirations and strategies for life. [read more]
lakubanget is a company, located at Jalan Batik Rengganis, Bandung, West Java 40123. [read more]
Website Media Tentang Musik dan Hiburan. [read more]
LPK Lingua Global Utama adalah lembaga pelatihan kerja yang bergerak di bidang pelatihan bahasa asing untuk para calon tenaga kerja (SDM) yang akan magang dan bekerja di Jepang. [read more]
LCDU is a non-profit organization that serves language learning services. Currently, we run English and Arabic classes. . [read more]
alternative media that presents social issues. . [read more]
Lokalab. co adalah sebuah organisasi non-profit yang menjadi media sarana berbagi kehidupan perkotaan, serta menyuarakan gagasan mengenai kota dan komunitas yang berkelanjutan dengan.. [read more]
Lembaga Pengkajian dan Penelitian Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. [read more]
We are here to assist you in facilitating all your needs for organizing any event. Starting from planning and executing weddings, holly bathing to birthdays. [read more]
Lasveva is a company, located at Jalan Sarimas VII, Bandung, West Java 40293. [read more]
Luna Farm is a small company that is engaged in the sale of agricultural production tools such as seeds, fertilizers, planting media, hydroponic equipment and also ornamental plants. [read more]
Laboratory of Engineering Management Design (LPMRI) is a laboratory in Engineering Management major in Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). This laboratory focuses on market research and.. [read more]
Lekkas merupakan penerbit buku yang telah terverifikasi oleh Perpustakaan Nasional sehingga berhak mengajukan pendaftaran ISBN untuk setiap buku yang dikeluarkannya. [read more]
Langkah Nyata hadir sebagai platform penggalangan dana dalam rangka berikhtiar agar kebermanfaatan tersebar lebih luas. Dengan slogan #LingkaranKebaikan, harapannya setiap kebaikan yang kami.. [read more]
Lintek Indonesia berdiri pada Mei 2020, sebagai perusahaan inspeksi instalasi tenaga listrik tegangan rendah. Sebagai perusahaan yang telah ter akreditasi oleh kementrian Energi dan Sumber.. [read more]
Lucelle Sociamods. [read more]
plant based meals. [read more]
LABORATORY428 is media alternative based on Bandung who focused on make content in various form (article, events, podcast and many more). The main idea is to create content from social issue and.. [read more]
Level Increase. id is a place for self-development, e-learning, and personal branding. Presented to all people who want to develop expertise in their respective fields, by presenting expert.. [read more]
PT Langgeng Cipta Solusi (LCS) is an Indonesian IT solution based company, established in 2020, located in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. We develop an end to end integrated real time.. [read more]
Lia Soraya is founded by Mrs Lia Soraya Ahmad Balweel in 2000. Lia Soraya has participated in several fashion shows and exhibitions in Indonesia and abroad such as Kuala Lumpur International.. [read more]
LANOSPACE is a company, located at 10 Jalan Beunteur, Bandung, West Java 40262. They can be contacted via phone at +62-818-644-333 for more detailed information. [read more]
Established in 2009, Luki Silk Nuetrustie is a subsidiary of PT. Panca Duta Prakarsa. Engaged in the rental, maintenance, and repair of project construction equipment. [read more]
linkman is the helpful way to assist waiter in your restaurant when the restaurant or cafe to serve your guest when they are in the restaurant. Put the transmitter in the table an the monitor.. [read more]