Tokeda Service is an electronics store, located at JL Karang Sinom, No. 8 RT 2 Rw 5, Karanganyar, Indramayu, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat 45213. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
Harga bahan bangunan agak miring dari toko lain. [read more]
Lembur kuring nu pling adem ayem tur tumaninah. keren. . desa yg indah. . . bikin betah. . adem. . . . . [read more]
Tempat menghafal alquran yg efektif. . Mudah2an lahir pejuang pejuang agama ini. . . . . Yayasan ini bergerak dibidag pendidikan agama. [read more]
Gametri Tirta Lestari. PT is a store, located at Jl. Moh. H. Thamrin Blok A No. 20, Cibatu, Cikarang Sel. , Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 89900051 for.. [read more]
UD Ajun is a pet store, located at Pusat Promosi Ikan Hias, Jl. Pariwisata, Pengasinan, Rawalumbu, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17115. They can be contacted via phone at +62 878-7201-6725 for more.. [read more]
Mantap mieee ayam paling sedap. [read more]
Agunsa snack is a store, located at Jl. Villa Bandung Indah No. 10, Cileunyi Wetan, Cileunyi, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40622. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-2170-5505 for more.. [read more]
Located in the heart of city, near famous factory outlet such as Heritage and Cascade, and just a few minutes walking to the city landmark, Gedung Sate. [read more]
Tempat yang cocok kalau mau merasakan susu murni berbagai rasa, tempatnya kadang g strategis ketika banyak kendaraan dengan knalpot bising. . Kumpul sama keluarga lebih bermakna. [read more]
Pegadaian Pasar Pelita is a store, located at Jalan Tembusan Stasiun Timur, Kebonjati, Cikole, Kota Sukabumi, Jawa Barat 43111. They can be contacted via phone at +62 266 231157 for more.. [read more]
Good place for study, friendly people (teachers and students). Mountain view. . Bagusss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sma dan smk terbaik di tanjungsari, gedung dan fasilitasnya mantap. [read more]
Dokter n pelayanan karyawan ny ramah, walopun saya datang jam 12 malam dan klinik ny telah tutup, tapi semua ny tetep ramah dan sabar menangani anjing saya yg sakit terutama Drh. [read more]
Indigo@Bekasi Apartment is a lodging, located at no 17 17114, Jl. Siliwangi No. 19, RT. 2/RW. 4, Sepanjang Jaya, Rawalumbu, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17114. [read more]
Gak usah pergi jauh jika mengambil uang. Cukup ada disini. Mantap. . . !!!!. [read more]
Indo Kuring Kafe is a cafe, located at Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 20, Sriwidari, Sukabumi, Kota Sukabumi, Jawa Barat 43123. They can be contacted via phone at +62 266 217463 for more detailed information. [read more]
Quite good hotel in the middle of crowded Cihampelas. Though once I experienced bad equipment in the bathroom, the technician came quite fast. With affordable price, I think this hotel still oke. [read more]
Ensa cafe is a cafe, located at Perumahan Mega Regency Blok D32/35, Serang Baru - Bekasi, Bekasi, Sukaragam, Serang Baru, Kabupaten Bekasi, Cikarang Selatan, Jawa Barat 17330. [read more]
For Agan Agan who needs business capital, home renovation, education costs etc. . . Dozens or hundreds of millions. . . Just go to the Mandiri Mandiri Credit BPR (KMI). [read more]
Guna Ilmu Lestari. CV is a book store, located at JL. Cifor, Bubulak, Griya Melati Blok C2 No 3/4, Bubulak, Bogor Bar. , Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16115. [read more]
Tentram Raharja Agung Sejahtera. PT is a parking, located at Jl. Raya Kopo Cingcin KM. 15 No. 363, Kopo, Bojongloa Kaler, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40233. [read more]
Menyediakan nasi putih dan ayam goreng nikmat, bisa makan ditempat atau dibungkus, harga murah, ramah nyaman dan bersih, akses mudah. Recommended. . enak dan puas. [read more]
Bank Danamon - KC Kuningan Siliwangi is a bank, located at JL. Siliwangi, No. 35-36, Kuningan - West Java, Purwawinangun, Kec. Kuningan, Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat 45512. [read more]
Abila Furniture is a furniture store, located at Jl. Raya Wr. Borong No. 11, Bojong Rangkas, Ciampea, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16620. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-9116-5675 for more.. [read more]
Sprtnya ini RS cuma 1 doang yg lumayan lgkap. . KLO pelayanan cukup baik dan ramah. Kebersihan jg Ok,cm sayang aja cleaning servicenya KLO mggu jg libur,JD RS kaya GA kerawat KLO HR libur. [read more]
Kantor bpjs cabang sumedang. Kantor pelayanan publik. Pengajuan pendaftaran dan perubahan baik data maupun kesalahan lain yang diakibatkan kesalahan input data, bisa diperbaiki di kantor ini. [read more]
buat ajak keluarga makan dan santai bareng. restoran banyak juga di pale reunian. Lesehan nya enak, sejuk, cocok juga buat acara keluarga atau meeting,. [read more]
Molen gaza kaos 3D is a clothing store, located at Jalan Raya Pemda No. 50, Kedunghalang, Bogor Utara, Pasir Jambu, Sukaraja, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16158. [read more]
Siesan Tea Of Taiwan lokasinya bagus, di pertigaan Karangturi, Indramayu. Jadi akses motor maupun mobil tidak susah. parkirnya pun cukup enak. Makanannya, kaya sosis mayonnaise, ice blend.. [read more]
Masakannya enak dan harganya murah. . . Masakan Padang yang pas dilidah Indonesia. Dengan aneka menu khas gulai kikil dan kepala kakap. . Enak2, apalagi rendangnya, uh,. [read more]
Salut sama sekolah ini. Tidak ada uang sekolah. . Saya dari kelas 1 sd di sini sampai saya smp ke MTsN 1Cianjur. kelas 1 sd saya di sini dan saya sekarang kelas 11 di SMKN 3 BANDUNG. [read more]
Indomaret Yudistira is a convenience store, located at JL. Muhammad Toha, Rt. 02/03, Kel. Jatiasih, Kec. Jatiasih, Tanjungmekar, Karawang Bar. , Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41316. [read more]
Edea Cctv is an electronics store, located at Jl. Raya Barat Cicalengka, Panenjoan, Cicalengka, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40395. They can be contacted via phone at +62 853-1712-0213 for more.. [read more]
Itikad Mulia Dokter Hewan is a veterinary care, located at JL. Alternatif Cibubur Cileungsi, Jatisampurna, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 16820. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 8443215 for.. [read more]
Not sure if this is Sukabumi’s typical type of noodles, overall it was good, knowing how big the portion and fair price. Although it was a bit too sweet for me, I would still find it tasty. [read more]
Agen Air Axology (AXA-01384) is a travel agency, located at JL. Karang Mulya, Klari, Lemahmulya, Majalaya, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41371. They can be contacted via phone at +62.. [read more]