Celebrity Fitness Pluit Junction is a gym, located at Pluit Junction 2nd Floor Pluit Junction. Jl. Pluit Raya No. 1. Jakarta, Jakarta 14450. They can be contacted via phone at 021-666 07 333 for.. [read more]
Martial Arts Academy by Black Shadow Our Programs: - Kick Boxing - Woman Kick Boxing - PSTD (Pencak Silat Tenaga Dasar) - Muay Thai - and many more. [read more]
Yoga@42 has been successfully growing yoga community in Indonesia, increasingly expands with Gold's Gym partnership located in MOI, Citos & BXChange Mall. [read more]
Ex-treme body figure merupakan gym berlokasi jakarta barat yang berfokus pada divisi Personal Trainer dan Group Training yang di lengkapi dengan peralatan gym yang sangat memadai. [read more]
Healthy Can Be Fun Be A Part of CHAMPION!. [read more]
If you’re looking for a supportive, welcoming gym community, w/ people of all fitness levels who want you to succeed, you’ve come to the right place. Get priority on our latest offers by.. [read more]
Club Olympus Fitness Centre Dan Spa is a spa, located at Grand Hyatt Jakarta, Jakarta 10350. [read more]
Ayo ngajak teman & keluarga anda ikut daftar jadi anggota OKA GYM ! harganya murah: cuma 250rb-1bln, 500rb-3bln, 800rb-6bln atau 1,5 jt-12bln dan gratis biaya Admin, parkir, wifi gratis. [read more]
Dyenza On Shop is a store, located at Jln. lapan V pekayon, pasar rebo, Jakarta 13710. They can be contacted via phone at 089661804656 for more detailed information. [read more]
Healthy Live. [read more]
Professional retailer selling muay thai or kick boxing gears, including muay thai/K-1 shorts, gloves and many others. [read more]
Media jual beli online workout suplements dan promosi bisnis kebugaran. Everyone welcome to promote products and fitness centre. . [read more]
Victor Gym and Aerobic is a gym, located at Jl. Tanjung Gedong No. 99J, Jakarta. They can be contacted via phone at +6285267484833 for more detailed information. [read more]
Welcome to the official Page of Dojo Elite Martial Arts Kyokushin. Come and learn Kyokushin with us, the strongest full body contact Karate from Japan and other martial arts with us. [read more]
The First Kids Run In Jakarta coming in Sep 29, 2013! | 7. 30am to 9am @fXSudirman VIP Car Park | Admission Fee: Rp. 50. 000,- | Category: 7 to 9 years old and 10 to 12 years old | #JakartaKidsRun. [read more]
Latihan Energy Bagua mengutamakan ketenangan dalam gerak, berjalan melupakan ego, menyelaraskan diri dengan energi langit dan bumi, merasakan hati dan tubuh yang rileks serta bersatu dengan alam. [read more]
All Apparel soccer and futsal team. [read more]
Rumah nutrisi / Rumah sehat, tempat berkumpulnya orang yg mau hidup sehat, mau naik/ turun bb,Kami adalah komunitas dengan segudang kegiatan positif. [read more]
Namarina Ballet School Pusat is a gym, located at Jl Halimun, Jakarta. They can be contacted via phone at (021) 829 4777 for more detailed information. [read more]
Club Arena International didirikan 23 April 1991 di Bali, merupakan pusat kebugaran dan spa. Memiliki empat brand: Nirvana Spa, De Vata Spa, Giri Loka Spa, dan Club Patra Arena. [read more]
Klub Ade Rai Ragunan is a gym, located at Jl. RM Harsono Ragunan, Jakarta 12550. [read more]
Nagafit Gym is a gym, located at Jl. Usaha No. 32 Kebon Bawang Tanjung Priok Jakarta Utara, Jakarta 14320. [read more]
ZL Shop menyediakan kebutuhan fashion yang update. Harga yang kami berikan merupakan harga terbaik untuk pelanggan tercinta ZL Shop. . [read more]
F45 is the revolutionary training system changing lives around the globe. . [read more]
Fitness 24 jam pertama di Indonesia. Dapatkan fitness goals Anda di sini. . [read more]
20FIT Dharmawangsa is a gym, located at Dharmawangsa Square D-64, Ground Floor, Jl. Dharmawangsa VI & IX, Jakarta. They can be contacted via phone at +622172780230 for more detailed information. [read more]
We sell sports equipment for your need. . [read more]
Essential Fitness Managemen (EFM) is Indonesia’s best service for on-demand Fitness & Wellness 📍 Jakarta, Bogor, Depok,Tanggerang, Bekasi Click this link 👉🏻 bit. [read more]
BB : 2a4c68cb Whatsapp : 08998313178 Line : @tpy6000j (pakai @) Instagram : Shoeshoess_. [read more]
Ozi Gold's Gym Baywalk is a gym, located at Jl. Pluit Karang Ayu B1 Utara, Pluit, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, Jakarta. They can be contacted via phone at 085960347092 for more detailed information. [read more]
Cypress Gym is a gym, located at Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No. 36 RT 003 / RW 003, Jakarta 12510. They can be contacted via phone at +62 818 188 868 for more detailed information. [read more]
FitnesFirst Taman Anggrek is a gym, located at Jakarta. [read more]
Life Spa Fitness Ot Building is a gym, located at OT Building 4th Floor, Cengkareng 11740. [read more]
Fitness First Platinum is a gym, located at Menara BCA Grand Indonesia, Lt. 11, Jakarta 10310. They can be contacted via phone at +622123586090 for more detailed information. [read more]