HRPlasa. id menyoroti berita, artikel, dan praktik terbaik dalam industri Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (Human Resources Development). Fokus kami adalah membantu para professional, individu.. [read more]
situs poker online terpercaya yang menyediakan transaksi deposit ataupun withdraw selama 24 jam tanpa batas waktu offline. . Juga melayani semua transaksi uang elektronik seperti OVO, T-cash,.. [read more]
Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Komputer - Universitas Pertamina is Student Society consist of student majoring Computer Science in Pertamina University. [read more]
HIMHI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional) merupakan wadah organisasi kemahasiswaan di bawah pembinaan Student Creativity Development Center atau SCDC Binus University. [read more]
International preschool which provides an early childhood education program designed by Carnegie Mellon University, USA and Korea University. Located in Jl. [read more]
We provide comprehensive solution from goods clearance point to goods receipt by providing Triple Assurance Services: good quality services, efficient time of services and maximum deliverables. [read more]
Is a Holding Company that focused to make a integrated system and service, also being an innovation distruptor for shipping, logistic, and supply chain sector at International stage and more. [read more]
HOSTVAGANZA is a company, located at 28 Jalan Lapangan Tembak, South Jakarta, Jakarta 12560. [read more]
Perkembangan media cetak yang lambat laun semakin menurun, hingga mematikan kegiatan iklan baris (classified ads). Memunculkan pertanyaan bagaimana perusahaan/organisasi dapat.. [read more]
Gerakan Indonesia Coding berambisi hadir sebagai salah satu kontribusi revolusioner untuk dunia pendidikan dan ilmu komputer di Indonesia. Kami yakin bahwa kehadiran putra-putri terbaik.. [read more]
Gedung Hub Jakarta Merupakan Penyedia Gedung resepsi pernikahan berlokasi sangat strategis di tengah kota Jakarta, dengan fasilitas lengkap dan harga terjangkau. [read more]
Genesia Convex believe in creating events as story that will be remembered for years to come. We offer wide range of services covering all aspects of your event to your after services and reporting. [read more]
Gold Drip Coffee is a food production company based out of Jalan Cempaka Baru Timur No. 1, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia. . [read more]
Gugus Literasi adalah platform berbasis komunitas yang menyediakan artikel seputar 6 pilar literasi. . [read more]
Gizi Bersama adalah NGO yang bergerak di bidang gizi, khususnya untuk lansia. Gizi Bersama didirikan pada Oktober 2022 dengan visi dan misi memberikan edukasi mengenai asupan gizi yang tepat.. [read more]
GELORA SINERGASIA is a company, located at Jakarta. [read more]
Global Pet Group is the national leader in selling, branding, and distributing pet food products in Indonesia. Our products are available across Indonesia through various channels which.. [read more]
GoesDigital is a growth enabler and full-stack digital solutions for all lines of business with a comprehensive approach that combines strategy, design, & technology to help business optimize.. [read more]
Kami hadir untuk membantu Anda dalam mengatasi masalah teknologi informasi yang Anda hadapi dan membantu Anda untuk mengejar potensi penuh dari teknologi yang tersedia. [read more]
PT. GARDA SATYA HAPRABU adalah perusahaan pengembang Sumber Daya Manusia berkualitas terbaik dan mampu bersaing sesuai kebutuhan dan tantangan masa depan. [read more]
Women's clothing store. [read more]
We provide comfortable office spaces with various size of rooms, This building is newly renovated in 2019. Our strategic location:1) Slipi Petamburan Busway Station is in front of our building. [read more]
Customized Solutions for your digital transformation requirements. [read more]
We design and develop bespoke digital products & services, eCommerce, websites and systems. . [read more]
Gamma Group adalah EduTech Company / Perusahaan Teknologi Pendidikan yang berfokus pada distribusi & solusi teknologi informasi yang terintegrasi di Bidang Pendidikan. [read more]
GGB is proud of the reputation it has earned through not compromising on client's security or service excellence. GGB determined to both protect and enhance our reputation through.. [read more]
Recruitment ServicesOutsourcing ServicesIT Expert Placement Continuous ImprovementHR System Development. [read more]
GPIB (Gereja Protestan di Indonesia bagian Barat) adalah bagian dari GPI (Gereja Protestan Indonesia) yang dulunya bernama Indische Kerk. Teologi Gereja ini didasarkan pada ajaran Reformasi.. [read more]
Welcome to Gunungku, an IOS mobile application designed to elevate the Indonesian climbing experience. Our app offers a unique combination of features including augmented reality, e-commerce, and.. [read more]
Kebanggaan kami menjadi desainer dan kontraktor - merencanakan solusi kreatif dan permasalahan ruang Anda dan menjadikan nyata. siap untuk merealisasikan mimpi Anda bersama kami?Interior.. [read more]
Gajah Pintar (PT Gajah Pintar Semesta) is a strategic business consulting firm based in Indonesia. We aim to help our clients achieve their objectives and maximize the impact of their presence.. [read more]
Building the Best, Smart, and Environmentally Friendly Edge Data Center in Indonesia. Data Center Market WillAlways Be GrowingThe data center services market was valued at $48. [read more]
In 2019, PT. Gran Cipta Cemerlang (GCC) first appeared as a general importer of luxury cars in Jakarta. We are affiliated with MMS Land, the property and lifestyle sub-holdings of MMS.. [read more]
Gede Aditya & Partners Law Firm ("GAP Law Firm") was founded by Gede Aditya Pratama, S. H. , LL. M. , with the aims to provide excellent and complete legal services. [read more]
German Community UPNVJ has founded as a community in social and political science faculty in Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta. The main duties of German Community UPNVJ are.. [read more]
Kami adalah Dealer Resmi Mobil Merk Hyundai yang berlokasi di Pancoran Jakarta Selatan. Melayani Penjulalan kendaraan Hyundai :- STARGAZER- CRETA- SANTA FE- PALISADE- STARIA- IONIQ 5 (.. [read more]