KPMI (Indonesian Muslim Entrepreneur Community) was formed in 2010 in Bogor, after previously creating the website www. pengusahamuslim. com (2005) and mailing list pengusahamuslim@yahoogroups. [read more]
Kapanlagi. com is an entertainment site in Indonesia that delivers news, gossip, movie and music reviews. . [read more]
Kabar Anak is a company, located at Jakarta. [read more]
KANGGO Bag founded in 2019. We are a company with a purpose to make people's daily life easier. With our main product, foldable bags we believe that it will be an essential that people need in.. [read more]
Versatile quality pieces, designed to last. [read more]
Klinik kuret jakarta merupakan Tempat kuret kandungan bersertifikasi yang memiliki izin resmi dari kementrian kesehatan. [read more]
Kesainta Consulting is a management consulting firm dedicated to support organizations, in all sectors of business, industry and government. We provide a wide range of consulting and.. [read more]
Sebuah komunitas dari anak anak Indonesia yang memiliki visi dan misi yang sama dalam memberantas kemiskinan dan kebodohan di negeri Indonesia. . [read more]
Kerabat dalam menemani perjalanan kariermu. . [read more]
Family Shopping Terlengkap dengan Cabang Tersebar di Jawa-Kalimantan. [read more]
KRATON [ke-ra-ton] - Javanese Traditional Royal Palace. Inspired by Javanese Craftsmanship, Beauty, Art and Culture - These elements became the brands core philosophy. [read more]
Kembara Creative is a company, located at Jakarta. [read more]
Keluarga Bonsai is an educational platform that came up from education enthusiast, regarding educator role that is not limited to teachers in school but also parents and adults around child, as well. [read more]
We create photography and videography of an event. [read more]
Kuliah Online is an online education portal that provides information of various online degree, certification, and training programs targeting the Indonesian market. [read more]
We are an international Beauty Distributorship based in Jakarta, Indonesia. We specializes in branding, marketing, managing brands to various online and offline platforms. [read more]
Karir yang apik dimulai dari CV yang cantik. Warnai CV mu dengan Kerjasana!. [read more]
Limitless essentials for the contemporary souls. [read more]
Man power outsourcing company. [read more]
Klinik Aborsi Legal merupakan Klinik Aborsi Jakarta yang memegang sertifikasi Legal dari Dinas Kesehatan di Indonesia. [read more]
Founded with a dream to elevate Indonesia's Creative Industry. We believe the key to accelerating the development of Indonesia' modern creative industry lies not just in the creative.. [read more]
Karya Cipta Sinergi (KCS) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penyelenggara kegiatan (Event Organizer) yang berorientasi pada dua layanan kebutuhan masyarakat. [read more]
Supplier fashion pria yang menjual aneka fashion pria berkualitas dengan harga yang terjangkau. Kami selalu menjaga kualitas dari produk kami dan selalu mengutamakan kepuasan customer. [read more]
With a long list of prestigious universities from Indonesia and South Korea working with us, we are here to open the door of opportunity for you who want to invest into your future by developing.. [read more]
Kamar keluarga adalah hunian kamar harian dan bulanan terjangkau dengan mengusung konsep ramah keluarga dengan desain ruang minimalis. Menjadi pionir co-living yang hadir sebagai pilihan.. [read more]
Kinerjaku. com adalah aplikasi yang memudahkan setiap orang untuk membuat dashboard kinerja perusahaan, organisasi & karyawan hanya dalam 5 menit. Membuat riwayat prestasi kerja secara online.. [read more]
Kolaborasi. ID adalah sebuah platform yang memudahkan Anda dalam membuat, menciptakan, dan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk berkolaborasi bersama anak negeri. [read more]
KEMALA (Independent and Sustainable Energy Consortium), is a consortium consisting of 4 (four) institutions, namely the Institute for Study and Development of Human Resources - Executive Board.. [read more]
Promote Minangkabau Lifestyle to Public through theirs senses, by serving the customers with global prove Minangkabau Experience. We focus on Food and Beverages, Glorious Traditional.. [read more]
Klinik Aborsi Legal merupakan Klinik Aborsi Jakarta yang memegang sertifikasi Legal dari Dinas Kesehatan di Indonesia untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik menggunakan teknologi tercanggih.. [read more]
Kitaumroh is an umrah marketplace app that makes it easier for people to find the best travel agent for easy, comfortable and safe umrah trips with a money back guarantee in the event of a.. [read more]
Beautifully crafted event spaces with cutting-edge technology and urban eclectic interiors located in the heart of Jakarta. There are 2 iconic spaces that are suitable for corporate gatherings,.. [read more]
Indonesian 1st Custom Container Connoisseur. [read more]
Kasajastro Indo Energi is a company, located at 7 Jalan KH Abdullah Syafiie, South Jakarta, Jakarta 12860. [read more]
Founded by Hadi Tresno Wibowo, Flat Hull Ship consists of flat plate pieces, which form hydrodynamic hull. Every single plate is designed using mathematical equations to define the secants accurately. [read more]
KOMPASS (KOMunitas PAra Sales Sumenep) merupakan sebuah komunitas yang didirikan oleh Bapak Yudi Ananta (Founder). Awalnya komunitas ini berasal dari Group BBM yang memiliki tujuan mulia.. [read more]