KOPMA UNJ adalah singkatan dari Koperasi Mahasiswa. KOPMA UNJ merupakan salah satu organisasi kemahasiswaan yang ada di UNJ. Melalui KOPMA UNJ, mahasiswa dapat membentuk jiwa berorganisasi.. [read more]
Komisi Pemilihan Umum Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa FK UPN Veteran Jakarta adalah Sarana untuk membantu Regenerasi Kepengurusan Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran. [read more]
Tim kami selalu melakukan update peraturan pajak terbaru melalui workshop session di setiap akhir bulan. Kami percaya bahwa pengalaman kami akan menjadi aset berharga untuk bisnis anda.. [read more]
Menjadi wadah bagi negri, wujudkan sikap empati. [read more]
KlikNSS is an online platform specially created for consumers to easy access for buy Honda motorcycle, motorcycle sparepart, multopurpose financing (car and motorcycle). [read more]
Training online Pertama di Indonesia. Lulus Dapatkan sertifikat kompetensi. Dan garansi job offer di bundling tertentu. Kunjungi : https://etraining. id. [read more]
Klinik Spesialis dan Apotek Zamzam menyediakan pelayanan rawat jalan poli umum, poli spesialis, IGD, telemedicine, apotek, fisioterapi dan laboratorium. [read more]
KSEI AkSES LIPIA is an Islamic economics study group provides intellectual development of Islamic economics. KSEI AkSES was established in 2018 and continues to be dedicated in the development.. [read more]
Kafha: Laboratory for Humanity and Culture, adalah komunitas budaya yang berdiri pada 14 Maret tahun 2005 di Jakarta. Oleh beberapa mahasiswa lintas jurusan yang ada di lingkungan civitas.. [read more]
CV Karya Perempuan Indonesia is a company of Mom Blogger Community, an Indonesia Blogger Community. Powered by Mom Blogger Community, our network consists of 3000+ registered Indonesian bloggers.. [read more]
Jasa Pembukuan, Kompilasi Laporan Keuangan, Prosedur yang Disepakati atas Laporan Keuangan, Sistem Teknologi Informasi Akuntansi, Supervisi (Pengawasan Internal), Perpajakan. [read more]
Selling various kinds of self-produced kimonos and nightgowns with various colors, motifs, and sizes based on online and offline store. . [read more]
Konseling Online merupakan sub-bisnis dari Smile Consulting Indonesia yang berfokus pada penyediaan layanan konseling secara online bersama psikolog. Konseling secara online memudahkan kamu.. [read more]
Kriptokers tempatnya belajar untuk kamu/temanmu yang ingin tau CryptoKomunitas yang terbuka untuk siapapun, terdiri dari para Pemula sampai SuhuWadah kolaborasi antar komunitas, berbagi.. [read more]
A place for sharing knowledge, especially in Science-Engineering-Technology. . [read more]
▪️Diskon Aki 10% (All Item)▪️Free delivery & home service▪️Tukar Tambah Aki Mobil/Motor. [read more]
Kotak Berkah adalah gerakan socio-entrepreneur yang menggerakkan potensi donasi dari masyarakat untuk diberikan kembali kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk donasi makan siang gratis untuk jamaah.. [read more]
A nonprofit organization that works to advance the rights and well-being of women and children through numerous initiatives in the areas of education and community giving across Indonesia. [read more]
We are a small company who in love and passionate with beauty treatment. We provide platform to engage professional beauty talent and customer who love treatment at their home. [read more]
KADIN (Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia) - Bidang PerindustrianIndonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Sector Industry. [read more]
Surprise. [read more]
Indonesia Company, specializing in innovation management consulting, technology consulting, education & training, commercializing innovation, trading & distributing the goods. [read more]
• Terbuat dari bahan-bahan alami serta racikan dari berbagai rempah-rempah yang kaya manfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh;• Pilihan yang berkhasiat sebagai sarana penyembuhan berbagai.. [read more]
Karsakami is a community, focusing on dental health and education. Their purpose is to share information based on the newest medical publication. Their main audience is the public.. [read more]
Pasar frozen food Indonesia diperkirakan tumbuh pada CAGR sebesar 8,49% selama periode 2020-2025 Keywords: consumers. [read more]
Aliansi anak muda yang bergerak untuk membentuk wadah dan mengedukasi isu krisis iklim dan kerusakan lingkungan di Indonesia. [read more]
To become one of the largest and most influential Online Course Marketplace. Our Corporate Values:- Sustainable- Professional- Excellence- Collaboration. [read more]
We are focusing on branding, design, digital development, and content production with over 6 years of passion. Compromising of a multitude of partners who are skilled in their profession, also.. [read more]
Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja Jakarta TimurGroup of Scientist Teenagers in East JakartaGrosteen NeastaWe're a non-profit organization run under the jurisdiction of UP Gelanggang Remaja Jakarta Timur,.. [read more]
Kloroxcare is a startup company that provides general cleaning and disinfection services for residences, offices, and public places. Our goal is to build a sustainable environment for a greater world. [read more]
Architecture & Interior Design Consultant | General ContractorBased in Jakarta, Indonesia. [read more]
Kanaka is a mobile application that provides the "right match" of outsource for your events. . [read more]
Karirhub adalah Portal Lowongan Kerja Indonesia. [read more]
Independent music label and music production house. . [read more]
Kriya Birawa is a Fellowship of Moviemakers based on Jakarta, Indonesia, which focuses on Shorts, Music Videos, and Creative Development. . [read more]
Unleash the power of digital marketing to connect your business with all kinds of audience groups across the world, sky is the limit. We play with data, nowadays-trends and turn it into revenue.. [read more]