Website Direktori yang berkaitan dengan Teknik SipilAkan memudahkan untuk mencari dan mempromosikan usaha yang berkaitan dengan Teknik SipilSemua layanan GRATIS. [read more]
Toko Online yang menyediakan Olahan Ikan Salmon, Salmon Fillet, Salmon Steak, Ikan Tuna saku, Fillet Dori, dan ikan seafood lainnya. [read more]
STBA LIA is a formal educational institution under the LIA Foundation. It was established in 1999 in Jakarta. LIA itself is well known for the quality of its foreign language education.. [read more]
Social Media HandlingGraphic DesignBrand Design. [read more]
Menjadi program magister dalam penerapan dan pengembangan teknologi serta pengelolaan sumber energi terbarukan melalui pendekatan pendidikan holistik yang berwawasan lingkungan berdasarkan.. [read more]
Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation and Commissioning in Oil & Gas Industry. . [read more]
Organisasi yang bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan dan kejujuran. Bersama Penie sebagai maskot, yuk sama-sama mengutamakan integritas dalam menempuh pendidikan!. [read more]
Scholars Connect helps Scholars throughout Indonesia, especially those in small town and rural area to gain the same chance of world class opportunity. [read more]
We are very delightful to help you produce catalogue, campaign, or lookbook pieces for your brand. . [read more]
Merupakan lembaga training yang mengadakan training mengenai Aviation Security, Security Guard dan juga K3 Umum. Whatsapp : 0877 8000 8230. [read more]
Senat Mahasiswa STFDFurther communication w/ this account: tsdriyarkara@gmail. com. [read more]
Akun resmi Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Persada Indonesia Y. A. I. [read more]
Space to liberate every mind―thoughts. [read more]
Praktiskan & Permudah Kegiatan Penjualan Anda dalam 1 Dashboard. Monitor Kinerja Sales Anda Kapan Saja, Dimana Saja. . [read more]
The Best Local Dorilocos Better Than Your No. 1 | Premium quality guaranteedAvailable on Shopee, Tokopedia, GrabFood and GoFoodoffline store will coming soon. [read more]
Seni Tari Mahasiswa/i Psikologi (STAMP) is a student activity unit that acts as a forum for developing talent interests for students at the Faculty of Psychology at Atma Jaya Catholic University.. [read more]
Untuk meningkatkan kegemaran siswa terhadap karya seni, Ekskul Desain Teknologi Kreatif SMA Negeri 112 Jakarta mengadakan Swable Art, suatu kegiatan atau pameran galeri agar siswai-siswi dapat.. [read more]
Shaliha Gallery Provide Premium Prayer Set, Hampers, Bouquet and Souvenir. Also Provide Moslem Women Fashion. . [read more]
Kesadaran tentang pentingnya peran media sebagai pilar keempat dari demokrasi, telah menjadi dasar dari kelahiran Suaraindonews pada 14 Oktober 2017. Semenjak kelahirannya, Suaraindonews.. [read more]
Sekolah Hati Suci is a company, located at 2 Jalan Hati Suci, Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10250. [read more]
Membantu brand, instansi, atau perorangan dalam pembuatan materi promosi berupa foto, video, maupun film pendek. . [read more]
Is a company engaged in Export Import, Undername Import, Freight Forwarding and Door To Door Delivery Services. With a range of international services, we provide the best service and.. [read more]
Styletrendsid adalah salah satu fashion khusus wanita. . [read more]
The Seminary of Saint John Paul II (Latin: Seminarium Maius St. Ioannis Pauli II) is an educational institution for prospective diocesan priests within the Archdiocese of Jakarta. [read more]
Focus about your fashion for today and your future. Make You Lit 🔥. [read more]
Lahir sebagai Filial SMA Negeri 18 Jakarta pada tanggal 10 Januari 1977 berlokasi di Dapur Susu Cilandak, atas prakarsa Drs. J. Mangari Kepala SMA Negeri 18 Jakarta, dan dipimpim oleh Moch. [read more]
Youth platform to educate and empowering youth to raise self understanding, skill development and time management. . [read more]
Sugar Fix Official indonesia is a company, located at 63 Jalan Griya Agung, Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 14330. [read more]
Pump IFabrication machinery IProduction Installation IFitting & ValveKami siap membantu untuk kebutuhan Pompa dan Spare part lainnya. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami find us on:IG.. [read more]
Srikandi UI merupakan komunitas keadilan gender dengan visi "Mewujudkan tatanan masyarakat yang inklusif dan adil untuk semua gender dengan perjuangan feminis nusantara. [read more]
We are experience in Design Graphic, Illustration, Web Development and NFT project including NFT illustration, NFT generate, smart contract development & website creation with wallet connect.. [read more]
Pada tahun 1979 SMAN 52 merupakan Kelas Jauh (KJ) dari SMAN 15 Jakarta. Atas prakarsa dan kerja keras guru dan karyawan di bawah pimpinan Bapak Rafli Rusli, pada tanggal 27 Maret 1981 Kelas.. [read more]
Suara Logika is a community that discusses about motivation and words of wisdom as a result of the thoughts of creators. This community was formed to open the minds of young people to the reality.. [read more]
Focus on the community better solution now and future. [read more]
"Solvnesia" is a micro startup for Research and Development, we bridge the gap between business and the everchanging complex world around to maximize its full potential by leveraging.. [read more]
SMA Negeri (SMAN) 29 Jakarta, merupakan salah satu Sekolah Negeri yang ada di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Indonesia tepatnya di Jl. Kramat No. 6. [read more]