At this FotoBook from island SAMOSIR & Lake TOBA, I will try to make for every 'Kecamatan' a photo-album, or...
If I has enough photos... Also from the 'Desa' in these 'Kecamatan... :﴿
Hi... :﴿ The program of: Horas Samosir Fiesta 2018... :﴿ ° ⌣ ° Om Ben.
Hi... :﴿ The new colors of the HKBP-Church... :﴿ ° ⌣ ° Om Ben.
Hi... :﴿ 27, 28 & 29 Juni 2017: "Batak Fiesta" OpenStage, Tuktuk... ° ⌣ °... Om Ben.
See MoreSome photos of the event 'Horja Bius' at Tomok.
Some photos of Parapat.
Some photos of Ajibata.
Some photos of Simanindo between 1960 and 2000.
Some photos of Harian Boho.
Hi... :﴿ Om Ben 'found' another video: Title: "1972 Medan to Samosir"... :﴿ Please only / hanya "SHARE" & "TAG"...! TIDAK bisa 'download' & 'upload'...!... ° ⌣ ° Om Ben.
See MoreHi... Jika berpikir... Teman suka foto²... :) Silakan "SHARE"... Atau mengundangnya...... Untuk kesenangan nya... :) Terima kasih untuk waktu. ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲ Hi... If you think... Your friend likes a photo... :) Please "SHARE"... Or invite him or her... For his or her enjoyment... :) Thanks for your time ° ⌣ ° Om Ben.
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