Service is excellent despite the place is not as nice as the two leading car brand in Indonesia. Waiting room is decent with a tv cable, air con, massage chair, coffee maker, water dispenser, and surprisingly free BreadLife breads.
Not too crowded then service booking is somehow not necessary. Good services are delivered here.
great services.. keep consistence!
Long term pit stop. My T31 xtrail model got oil change every 10000km
Convinience service shop
Pelayanannya ramah, tempatnya bersih, coffee machine, snack, kursi pijat, tv cable, wifi, cozy dan dapet makan siang
Beli dan Servis juga dimarih. Pelayanan dari sales, sa, sampe sekuriti semua ramah. Cuma keabisan spagheti niy..kesiangan dateng Servis nya. Hehe..
Datang pagi menjelang siang udah beres.....go driving...
mantap pelayananya .teknisiny handal2..
Bs lgsg dtg tnp appointment. Dan pelayanan jg cepat.
Lokasi di pinggir jln besar jd tdk menyulitkan utk dtg.