
If you think about design services, that's us.

Tags : #InternetCompany

Location :
World Trade Center, WTC5 3A floor, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 29-31,, Jakarta 12920


"Synergy of Creativity™"

Creative Media, Server/Infrastructure

CV Hexacreative Plus provide your IT services for your needs about design, server, and infrastructure. We support from small and medium enterprises (SMEs), education sectors, to government to grow their business and public services.

Founded in Indonesia on June 2009 starting from freelancer brand, now we are legalized our company become CV (Commanditaire Vennootschap) in 2012. We are building powerfull user Interface design for software, web apps, and website. And we also making logo, branding, social media design, and graphic design. In the near future we try to create more services and technology (in server and infrastructure needs
) for your business, to arrange your business to the next level.

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