Berpadu dengan keindahan alam yang natural. Murah, prasmanan, enak, gorontalo buanget. Rumah makan ini menyajikan makanan yg cukup menggugah selera. [read more]
Di tengah kota,, parkiran masih memakai jalan, pilihan tepat utk makan tgh malam,, lumayan mahal. Sip tempat strategis dgn harga terjangkau. Makanannya enak Pelayanannya ramah Harganya terjangkau. [read more]
Disini Juga Menjual produk jamu yang berkualitas 👍. [read more]
depe tuna luar biasa pidis. Spicy food available here. Hot sauce with natural burn fish. . . . [read more]
Overall enak, bisa dibilang pizza terenak di gorontalo saat ini. Cuma sedikit overprice. Saran sih perlu dibuat menu paket hemat jika ingin menambah opsi pembeli. [read more]
Warung Makan Siti Rahmah is a restaurant, located at Jl. Prof. Hb Yasin, Libuo, Dungingi, Kota Gorontalo, Gorontalo 96136. They can be contacted via phone at +62 853-4011-1114 for more.. [read more]
Rm. Belle Lami is a restaurant, located at Jl. Kalimantan, Dulalowo Tim. , Kota Tengah, Kota Gorontalo, Gorontalo 96138. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-8885-6666 for more.. [read more]
This place its good to take food because they cook tradisional style and they are friendly😍😘. Asyiknya makan ikan bakar ditepi laut dgn backsound debur ombak pantai Gorontalo. [read more]
sangat senang dengan aplikasi ini. . . mantap. [read more]
Rasanya lain dari pada yg lain mak nyoss!!!!. [read more]
STAN SOTO AYAM LAMONGAN is a restaurant, located at Ruko Taman Gapura FG6 Gwalk Citraland (Food Land), Limba B, Surabaya, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60213. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
Rumah Makan Asta adalah Rumah Makan Sederhana yang Murah. Sepiring hanya Rp. 6. 000 Sangat membantu bagi Teman Teman yang belum Gajian. Hahahaha Tetapi Anda juga bisa pesan harga di atas Rp. [read more]
tempat yg nyaman buat nongkrong. [read more]
Makanan nya enak dan murah! Pas utk budget yg lagi mau hemat tapi tetap kenyang😊. The cosiest-but-affordable one around Jl. Raja Eyato. You'll love it here!!. [read more]
One of the Best chinese food in town. [read more]
Not bad for sundanese taste in Gorontalo. Its sufficient. Pretty good food and neat place. Krna sya brkerja dsni d bosnya baik?. . . . . [read more]
Tempat lumayan bersih Pedagang ramah Baksonya enak banget Dan kenyang banget seporsi, dapetnya 1 bakso daging dan 3 bakso biasa Sayurnya lengkap, ada togenya, pertama kali makan bakso.. [read more]
Warong Makan Mba Heni is a restaurant, located at Mongolato, Telaga, Gorontalo, 96181. [read more]
Nasi Goreng Mas Budi is a restaurant, located at Paguyaman, Central Kota, Gorontalo City, Gorontalo 96138. [read more]
Pondok Kasuari Rumah Makan is a restaurant, located at JL. Kasuari, Haledulaa Selatan, Kota Selatan, Heledulaa Sel. , Kota Tim. , Kota Gorontalo, Sulawesi Utara 16710. [read more]
rumah makan sate kediri is a restaurant, located at Marisa Utara, Marisa, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo 96265. [read more]
Pertama kali makan mie cakalang. . enak bgt. . milu siram nyaa segerrrr bgt. . . pisang goreng dimakan pake dabu2. . sedaappl. . . I was here twice for Corn Soup or Milu Siram ( Typical food.. [read more]
RM Karebosi Daeng Baji (Permanently Closed) is a restaurant, located at Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim, Wumialo, Kota Tengah, Kota Gorontalo, Gorontalo 96138. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
Martabak Toblerone (Permanently Closed) is a restaurant, located at Jalan Merdeka No. 54, Kel. Ipilo, Kec. Kota Timur, Ipilo, Kota Tim. , Kota Gorontalo, Gorontalo 96133. [read more]
Kulihat khas makassar coto makassar yang enak di santap pagi atau malam. Coba rasa. Enak. sangat penting rasa cotonya. kalau tidak rasa. Rugi. [read more]
Rumah almarhum Ayah dan Ibuku tepat didepan Sentris Homestay itu loo. . Tempatnya nyaman, sekelas hotel melati, catering makanannya enak. Suasana hijau, asri, tenang. [read more]
Delicious and very affordable. . . Nasi kuning with a bit of meat, serundeng, egg, clearly Manado style. Recommended to order "kuah kaldu" as well, turn out it is meat soup that really affordable.. [read more]
Salah satu rumah makan padang yang masih eksis di kota Gorontalo. Harga standart, rasa lumayan. . Standar nasi padang nya masih tetap konsisten. . Tempatnya startegis di dekat pusat.. [read more]
Ikan bakarnya luar biasa. [read more]
tempatnya cukup nyaman. . ada fasilitas musholahnya juga. menu cukup variatif dengan harga terjangkau, dan tentu saja enak. . 👍 satu lagi yang jadi nilai plus yakni pelayannya ramah2. [read more]
They have the best chinese and traditional foods in town. . . !. [read more]
One of the highly recommended seafood places in Gorontalo. Located on the edge of the beach, so we can enjoy the view of the beach while eating. . sate tunanya mak nyoss. [read more]
Try the authentic "milu siram" here. It's a kind of local corn soup. Not for everyone's taste, but i guess it's not bad at all either. And they have grilled fish and fried fish with rica. [read more]
Pelayanannya cepat. Makanannya enak. Dan tomantis tempatnya. [read more]
International Resto is a restaurant, located at Jl. Sultan Botutihe, Tumbihe, Kabila, Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Gorontalo 96115. They can be contacted via phone at +62 435 822249 for more.. [read more]
Cafe cak Albar is a restaurant, located at Dulalowo Timur, Central Kota, Gorontalo City, Gorontalo 96138. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-4500-0242 for more detailed information. [read more]