Garis Hitam Indonesia is a company, located at Jalan Andi Dai, West Sulawesi 91511, Indonesia. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Garis Hitam Indonesia is a social enterprise to empower female prisoners and ex-prisoners to produce economical products. This program is also accompanied by learning, mentoring, and training to develop the potential of female prisoners and ex-convicts and build the business spirit of each prisoner. In addition, we also take part in raising the issue of discrimination faced by female prisoners and ex-prisoners. Currently, all Garis Hitam products are environmental-friendly products as a form of supporting environmental problems and to reduce plastic problems in Mamuju.
Tags : #CivicSocialOrganization, #Civic&SocialOrganization
Location :
Jalan Andi Dai, West Sulawesi 91511
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020