Uda berganti dari Ford jadi DFSK atau Dong Feng Sokon. Bangunan keren, mobil keren
Before you will find "FORD" symbol in that building but now its not. They change with other but still received for repair FORD car.
Very good place. Not to hard to look for this place, because near the main road. If you wanna repair your car and leave your car there until over night you have to paid more.
The condition of toilet is very clean but some of the wash basin and urinal unfunctioned.
Servicebso make me happy
Dengan Memakai Jasa Sedot Wc Jakarta Utara Anda Akan Mendapatkan Kepuasaan Dalam Layanan
Gedung panassssss, satpam kurang ramah.. Didalam gedung banyak debu dan sepi :)
Apakah mobil ford masih djual?
Authorized service center for Ford's car