
Felycia Project


Certified Wedding Planner in Indonesia

Tags : #PersonalBlog, #WeddingPlanningService

Opening Hours

  • Monday 10:30 - 21:00
  • Tuesday 10:30 - 21:00
  • Wednesday 10:30 - 21:00
  • Thursday 10:30 - 21:00
  • Friday 10:30 - 21:00
  • Saturday 10:30 - 21:00
  • Sunday -


“The establishment of Fit Bellies healthy food delivery was prompted by the emergence of increasing number of food junkies and people who “not so care” about food nutrition they intake/ Who in recent years have given Indonesia increasing percentage of stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and lungs disease which attack productive years (45-50 yo according to RISKESDAS Indonesia 2017).”

Our sole creating circle with health enthusiasts such fitness center, food nutritionists, gym instructor, hospital, dietary doctor, and others who are related to this industry is to join hands increasing the awareness and show the importance of Healthy Lifestyle to people surround us.

Nowadays, there are many young and productive age people spends more time on career and not so care about their healthy living. They should balance Quality of sleeps, Healthy eating, body works, water drinking quantity and mind to create a Healthy Lifestyle.

Food that we eat everyday is one of the important aspect to create a healthy living. Healthy eating means we eat the "Real Food" (Natural or very less chemical content, the healthy one) which is perishable and need a long process in producing it. From shopping fresh and organic ingredients (reduce the chemical risks), menu selecting, counting the calories and nutrition intake, cooking until cleaning the dishes are consuming much time of daily living. So there are many people ignore those process and choose fast food nearby to enjoy. It creates a bad lifestyle and invests risks little by little for their future health.

Young and Productive age people expects something easy, fast and tasty for their food. So it generates Fit Bellies to help them providing a convenient Healthy and Delicious Food Delivery personally based on their body needs. To build a better lifestyle, reduce obesity numbers, diseases and increase the awareness of clean eating on their daily living.

There is no shortcut to build a better living, we encourage people to LEAVE THE BAD LIFESTYLE and START A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.

Fit Bellies offers people an easier way to be healthy, offering healthy food delivery package based on their goal and chosen menu category (our dietary doctor calculate each customer portion personally). as well as special rate offers for the healthy circle supports such Fitness center, Organic Veggies Supplier, Healthy Drinks, Dietary Doctor and any other related on this field.

Hop it helps the healthy living awareness! Keep healthy peeps!

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