Peace and Relaxing place
This place is still a remote location under recent urban development assignment
Visitors will have to spend more hour finding just the fair route to get here, and no sign or Street Post to indicate This Danau Angsa
Some of the roads leading to Danau Angsa are inaccessible
Nearby streets & roads are also quiet, and no one seemed to be interested in stopping by Danau Angsa
One Security guy guarding Educity Apartment, spotted making use Danau Angsa as a place to take a long break
lovely place to relax with family
A nice small park with a little lagoon & swans in it. Good scenes to take photographs (a permits needesld).
There is a (jogging) track surrounding the lagoon.
Best place for photogtaph
Nice place for family relax
Its a free place for us to Hang out with family..
Nothing special only park and swallow
Bagus nyaman udaranya segar kl pagi jogging disana😄
A beautiful park inside the regency. Nice place to hang out with family or friends.
Tempatnya nyaman, cocok buat refreshing
Tempatnya aman dan tenang untuk bermain dan nongkrong
Viewnya bagus. Tapi klo kamu pegang kamera akan ditegur security katanya kalo mau foto harus ijin dulu ke kantor manajemen.