
PT CS2 Pola Sehat - part of Orang Tua Group, Indonesia's market leader in tea & jelly drink beverage. JOIN US! Email your CV to: recruitment.cs2@ot.co.id

Tags : #Neighborhood, #WorkplaceOffice, #Workplace&Office

Location :
jl yos sudarso. kebon besar, Tangerang 11740
Contacts :


This page is a look into our company and working environment.

Do you want to know what it's like to be part of a company which has existed and grown substantially for over half a century,as one of the market leaders of the colossal market that is the Indonesian Food and Beverage industry?

Look no further for all about our Company, our Brands, our Vision, Mission and Values, our Culture, our Career Programs and Facilities, and our Achievements.

OT believes in developing high quality human resources by providing intensive training and education to its employees. Will YOU be part of our Outstanding Team?

15 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    04 February 2015

    Mana yang benar: Orang menjadi pesimis karena gagal? atau orang menjadi gagal karena pesimis?

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  • Anynomous
    18 November 2014

    Harga BBM baru saja naik hari ini. Walau begitu, pengaruh kenaikan harga BBM kepada para Manager di PT CS2 Pola Sehat tidak seperti pada umumnya. Kenapa? Karena fasilitas BBM Kendaraan yang diberikan oleh perusahaan kepada karyawan adalah dalam bentuk liter (bukan rupiah). Kebijakan ini sudah dibuat dari tahun lalu untuk mengantisipasi kenaikan harga BBM. Jadi, berapapun harga BBMnya, tidak akan mempengaruhi kenyamanan karyawan dalam berkendara.. Senangnya bekerja di PT CS2 Pola Sehat.. :)

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  • Anynomous
    15 October 2014

    Jika ada yang sedang mencari pekerjaan dan ingin melamar ke CS2 Pola Sehat, silakan kirimkan CV ke:


    Email tersebut akan sampai langsung ke Rekrutmen Manager kami untuk di follow up. Jangan lupa di judul emailnya dituliskan FBEB - nama - lokasi yang diharapkan untuk tempat bekerja.

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  • Anynomous
    10 October 2014

    Ini foto pas kami acara Employee Gathering awal tahun. Main games ala Running Man di Trans Studio Bandung. Kira-kira awal tahun depan mau Gathering kemana lagi yah?? :D

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  • Anynomous
    01 October 2014

    Tahukah anda.. Di Pabrik baru kami yang di Caringin, ada Heli Pad lho… jadi Bos2 kami gampang dan cepet kalau mau ke Pabrik baru.. Pabrik CS2 keren banget yah.. :D

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  • Anynomous
    30 September 2014

    Peresmian Pabrik Baru PT CS2 Pola Sehat. Sekarang kami punya pabrik di Caringin!

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  • Anynomous
    29 September 2014

    Menurut anda, mana yang lebih baik? Bekerja pada pekerjaan yang disukai, atau belajar menyukai pekerjaan?

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  • Anynomous
    19 November 2013

    We stand proud and tall. :)

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  • Anynomous
    19 November 2013

    Our pride and joy garden. The perfect spot for us to take a small break out in the warm sunlight in the middle of a work day. Sneak a peek here on our fanpage!

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  • Anynomous
    18 November 2013

    Are you a FRESH GRADUATE?

    Are you looking for a fast-track career? Hands-on skills and experience in the professional world? Direct mentoring from the experts in your field? Or do you wish to simply challenge your potentials?



    On average, employees need 5-10 YEARS to climb the corporate ladder until they have the capabilities and experience necessary to be considered for the manager position. Our Management Trainee program aims to prepare fresh graduates to achieve managerial quality by 2, 5 YEARS.

    It is all about shaping tomorrow’s leaders, today.

    Learn directly from the experts of the field inside and outside of classrooms, experience hands-on, on-the-job learning on your chosen professional function, and enjoy quality training designed to improve our most important asset: human resource. Once hired into a function, you will develop your leadership skills by working on your own live project, which offers you flexibility, all the experience you need to become ready for your first management role, and opportunity to display your potentials to our top leaders.

    Current departments available: Marketing, Manufacturing

    We will be continually updating information about our Management Trainee program right here on our CS2 Pola Sehat fanpage. Don't forget to Like, follow and Comment for updates!

    See More

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  • Anynomous
    04 November 2013

    Logo sebuah perusahaan adalah identitas sebuah perusahaan. Want to know what our logo means? Click the video!

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  • Anynomous
    04 November 2013

    A company's history and its values are tightly intertwined. We are revealing all of them through this video.

    These are the values our company abide by every day, every working hour.

    These values are what our working environment is made of.


    These values are what our People, our greatest asset, are made of.

    Are these values YOU?

    See More

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  • Anynomous
    03 November 2013

    Komitmen kami akan inovasi dan kualitas untuk memuaskan konsumen setia kami, telah membawa kami kepada penghargaan - penghargaan yang selama ini telah kami peroleh. Penghargaan - penghargaan ini akan memotivasi kami untuk terus memberikan yang terbaik bagi konsumen.

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  • Anynomous
    03 November 2013

    To see the principles of how we live this every day, see our Values video and employee interviews on our Facebook page.

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  • Anynomous
    03 November 2013

    Tahukah Anda? Produk-produk OT seperti sikat gigi Formula, wafer Tango dan minuman Teh Gelas telah menjadi market leaders di pasarnya masing-masing. Artinya? We are Indonesia's First Choice and expanding our wings to Asia - Pacific!

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